In light of the last post where you can clearly see the media monopoly in our country as well as the world I urge you to cancel your cable or satellite service. You and mainly your children are being bombarded daily with a harmful ideology. It is not just the fact that the news really isn't news it's that it's much easier to be sucked into the consumer culture that we have today. That it's normal and acceptable to be 10 grand in credit card debt and lease a vehicle. When in reality these things are doing nothing to you but leading to continued enslavement to the rat race. This to many people sounds extreme but it is something I have done for several years now and do not see myself returning to cable in the foreseeable future. I found this article which I believe is a must read for everyone, especially today when everyone can stand to save money.
Ten Financial Reasons To Turn Off Your Television - And Ten Things To Replace It With