Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Can Be Learned From "Good Christian Bitches"

For those unfamiliar with this filth click here for a run down.

What passes for "Christianity" today is nothing more than universalised watered down multi cultural crap. Americans are apathetic and lazy in all aspects of their life, religion notwithstanding. The church where I have spent the most time in the pew the Pastor BUYS his sermons from the Southern Baptist Convention. Gone are the days of pouring over the scripture in order to gain understanding, now the busy pastors just hand over a few shekels and the sermons flow in. They are always picture perfect, the sermon outline where you have to pay attention so that you can fill in the blank is always rife with alliteration. It's quite sickening.

A mere glance at the outside will prove that Americans have become fat and lazy, their country has been bankrupted by criminal central bankers, their children and grandchildren will have nowhere to work because all of the jobs are over seas, a torrent of non Whites have flooded the land, sexual deviancy and multi culturalism is pushed hard from birth. All these horrendous things, nary a whimper, but their favorite sports team loses a game? They are up in arms and depressed for a week. That is what America has become, they cling to a sense of past pride, the fact that they live(d) in the greatest richest country on earth, but it sure as hell is nothing they have done. Akin to a fat middle aged woman who is quick to reminisce about her teenage years when she was thin.

Being fat, apathetic and lazy means that you go with the flow, you don't want to rock the boat or stand up for anything. So sure if 70% of Americans say they are "Christians" that's good enough right? It surely must be true, after all who am I to judge?

If I can find a fault in the satanic jews plans it's that they overplay their hands, they themselves have gotten quite cocky. But the farther they push the easier it becomes for sheep to really see how far we've gone.

The lesson is that these "good Christian bitches" claim to be Christian, just like the Pope does, Obama does, Bush does etc etc. Moronic Judeos love Huckabee "oh he used to be a minister" Simply claiming to be a Christian is sadly about all it takes to win a Republican nomination in the "bible belt" But claiming it doesn't make it so. So this show is nothing but jews quick to exploit the dumbass judeos who will watch all manner of filth. Why? Because they aren't Christians, they do not believe as Christ believed in fact most worship the anti Christ.