Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tim Geithner Is A Liar

I don't know how to put it more bluntly. The man has no backbone and will lie straight the the American peoples face. He is clearly a typical puppet.

In this Digg Dialogg he says that it is important to keep the Fed and monetary policy separate from politics which I agree with (I don't think we are Constitutionally allowed to have a central bank) however the problem is that the Fed has never been independent of politics. It was created by some of the most influential international bankers of the day in order to control US politics. They print money at the behest of any current President which gets his orders from the Jews through various proxies such as AIPAC, the CFR (of which Geithner is a member) The Trilateral Commission and others.

Not surprisingly he goes on to claim that HR 1207 is "a line we don't want to cross". What Geithner means to say is "we can't have Congress gain more power than the Fed".