Sunday, February 8, 2009

Changes To The Blog

As the seasoned Truth In Our Time subscriber has probably already noticed there are changes to the blog. These are relatively minor; First, in the top right hand corner I have added a link for you to be able to follow this blog, meaning if you don't use an RSS reader or the like you can get new posts directly on your blogger dashboard. Second, also in the top right hand corner you can subscribe to this blog via different readers that you may already use.

Both of these changes have been in order to increase readership and help the current subscribers to the blog. I appreciate the loyalty that many of you show emailing stories to friends and family and linking to this blog in various forums ranging from weightlifting forums to stay at home mom forums, it is truly a motley crew here and I thank those who read and share the stories we publish. If you have any comments or criticisms feel free to email me at or leave a comment at the end of this or any post.