I posted here about Lindberghs speech about the US entering WWII, here is another video submitted by a reader of Lindbergs predictions on 9/11/41.
You begin to see that there really is nothing new under the Sun.
If you have content to submit my email is truthinourtime@ya.ru
Saturday, March 31, 2012
VP Biden Will Move To Impeach President If He Invades Iran Without Approval
Oh, not the current president........ I guess all of your "Constitutional Law" experience only applies to the opposite party.
Friday, March 30, 2012
pRick Santorum Sides With Trayvon
On “Face the Nation” Sunday on CBS, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum explained that his view of the Trayvon Martin shooting differed significantly from the one held by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich was critical of President Barack Obama’s reaction, but Santorum placed the blame on accused shooter George Zimmerman’s mental state.
“Well, you know, obviously, I’m not privy to what’s going on in someone’s mind,” Santorum said. “Obviously, in my opinion, someone … has a very sick mind who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. You know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. It’s a tragic, tragic case.”
“And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can’t imagine what they’re suffering, losing their son in such a horrific way. All I would say is that, whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one, and a very, very tragic one.”
“All I can say is that, again, there are a lot of people who have very perverted views of reality and obviously have, as we see, people who do horrible things for seemingly senseless reasons,” Santorum said.
On “Face the Nation” Sunday on CBS, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum explained that his view of the Trayvon Martin shooting differed significantly from the one held by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich was critical of President Barack Obama’s reaction, but Santorum placed the blame on accused shooter George Zimmerman’s mental state.
“Well, you know, obviously, I’m not privy to what’s going on in someone’s mind,” Santorum said. “Obviously, in my opinion, someone … has a very sick mind who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. You know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. It’s a tragic, tragic case.”
“And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can’t imagine what they’re suffering, losing their son in such a horrific way. All I would say is that, whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one, and a very, very tragic one.”
“All I can say is that, again, there are a lot of people who have very perverted views of reality and obviously have, as we see, people who do horrible things for seemingly senseless reasons,” Santorum said.
Does Obama Imagine Bob and Nancy Strait as His Parents?
Here’s a story you won’t hear about in the mainstream media.
Bob Strait, 90 a veteran of the 101st Airborne, was married to his wife Nancy, 85, for 65 years.
A few days ago, their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma was invaded by Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, 20, a black thug armed with a BB gun.
Tyrone beat the aged couple and raped Nancy to death.
Our post-racial President has made no statement about this outrage.
And except for the local media in Oklahoma, no one has noticed.
Instead, all the self-righteous attention is on black victim Trayvon Martin, and the demonized George Zimmerman, described by the NY Times as a “white Hispanic” a racial classification of which I have never heard.
George Zimmerman will be charged with a hate crime. Again, leave it to liberals to invent a victim hierarchy based on race.
Let me state the obvious: The Straits are not the victims of a hate crime, they don’t even exist and count for nothing in the cynical calculus that animates the mainstream media and the politicians who feed on politically correct corpses.
As for President Obama, you can be sure he does not imagine Bob or Nancy Strait as his parents.
A fund has been set up at Arvest Bank to help the family cover funeral expenses for Nancy Strait and rehabilitation for Bob Strait. The fund is called the Nancy Strait and Bob Strait Support Trust.
Hoodie-Wearing Blacks Go On Shooting Spree In Bobby Rush's Chicago District
Former Black Panther Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) made quite a fuss when he donned a "hoodie" during a speech in the U.S. House of Representatives until he was escorted out. At the time, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "applauded his courage" for doing so. Meanwhile, back home in Rush's district, two men wearing hooded sweatshirts, or "hoodies," were the shooters in an incident that left one dead and five injured.
In fact, during a span of six-hours Thursday night, 13 people were shot, leaving two dead in Chicago. It would seem it takes more courage to simply walk down the street in Rush's district than it does to wear a hooded sweatshirt in the House of Representatives by way of a stunt in a bizarre tribute to a young man shot and killed in Florida during a shooting incident still under investigation.
At least two people were killed and 11 others wounded in violence across Chicago overnight, most of the victims from just two shootings on the West and South sides, according to police.
Suspects were being questioned in one of the shootings, the killing of a man near his home on the Far South Side, officials said.
The worst shooting occurred around 6 p.m. Thursday when two men in hooded sweatshirts opened fire inside a convenience store in the 1400 block of West 79th Street in the Gresham neighborhood, police said.
One man was killed and five others were wounded. The victims ranged in age from 16 to 24.
The gunmen fled in an SUV and police continued searching for them this morning.
About four hours later, four people were standing in a parking lot in the 4100 block of West Roosevelt Road when a black car drove up and gunfire rang out.
A 29-year-old man was shot in the arm, a second man the same age was shot in the leg, a 27-year-old man was shot in the leg and a 36-year-old man was shot in the thigh, police said. They were all taken by a friend to Mount Sinai Hospital, police said.
The gunman's car fled west on Roosevelt Road and north on Keeler Avenue, police said.
Other shootings:
-- A 31-year-old man was shot and killed across the street from his home on 113th Place between State Street and South Michigan Avenue, police said. David Gulley, 31, was pronounced dead at Roseland Community Hospital about 5:10 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner's office said.
Calumet District officers saw the shooting and brought several people in for questioning, police said. Up to three guns were recovered, police said. The people were still being questioned as of 5 a.m. today, police said.
-- A 24-year-old man was shot in the buttocks in the 11800 block of South Ashland Avenue about 5 p.m. on the Far South Side, police said. He was walking down the street when two people approached on foot and opened fire, police said.
He was stable Advocate Christ Medical Center, police said. No one was in custody this morning.
-- About 10:15 p.m., a man in his 30s was shot in the leg in the 13100 block of South Ellis Avenue. He was taken to Metro South Medical Center in Blue Island, police said.
The man told police he heard shots and felt pain.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
6 Blacks Charged In Racially Motivated Mob Beating
SENECA, S.C. -- Six men have been charged in a mob beating that the sheriff says was racially motivated.
In a release, Seneca Police Chief John Covington said a North Carolina man was beaten at an Applebee’s in Seneca early March 17.
Teryn L Robinson, 18; Tray Devon Holland, 19; Justin Dimon Alexander, 20; Derick Lee Williams, 22; Kino Martinez Jones, 25; and Montrez Obrian Jones, 22; are charged with assault and battery by a mob.
All the suspects are from the Seneca area and were taken into custody early Wednesday by Seneca police officers, State Law Enforcement Division agents and Oconee County sheriff’s deputies
Covington said since the investigation showed that racial factors contributed to the incident, the case has been forwarded to the FBI to see if it should be pursued further as a hate crime under federal law.
He said the investigation is continuing, and the case will proceed with state-level charges.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Trayvon Martin Was A Drug Dealer

Above is the iconic picture we’ve been become accustomed to seeing everywhere in the media, used to represent the recent Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida. From everything the public has been told,
Trayvon Martin was a fresh-faced, innocent looking teenager and the visage of the man who shot him, George Zimmerman, is right out of a booking photo.
The media narrative being sold is quite clear, Trayvon Martin is the innocent victim here and George Zimmerman is a horrible bigot who attacked the young man for doing nothing more than buying skittles while being black.
Even Barack Obama seems to accept the fresh-faced innocence of Trayvon, stating, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” More on that later.
It’s becoming more and more clear however that the innocent appearance the mainstream media is so desperate to apply to Trayvon isn’t at all accurate. The picture we’re used to seeing to represent Trayvon Martin appears to be a far cry from how he actually looked once he was a few years older.

Extended School Suspension
There has been a lot of analysis about the character of George Zimmerman in the media, and surprisingly little about Trayvon Martin.
For instance, a few days before he was killed, Trayvon was suspended from school for ten days.
Of course, this is why Trayvon was staying as his Father’s house, so far away from school. And it also explains why George Zimmerman, who by all accounts seemed to stay on top of everything that happened in his neighborhood, didn’t recognize him that evening, Trayvon didn’t really live there, and was only in town because of the suspension.
It seems we may not find out more anytime soon, as a lawyer representing Trayvon’s family has sealed his school records.
Multiple Tattoos
To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues. Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image, rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.
Even though Trayvon was only 17, he already was sporting gold teeth, and several large tattoos. This one was on his wrist, apparently of hisgirlfriend’s mother’s name.

This photo, taken from Tray’s MySpace page, shows another large tattoo that took up most of his upper arm.

It seems that Tray was also on Twitter, but his account seems to have been recently deleted by his family or friends.
His screen name was “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA, as you can see from the twitpic account screenshot above. He was also a member of a twitter hash group #team4dat.
At first, I was skeptical that anyone would maintain an account with that sort of derogatory slur in the title, but after doing some research, it’s apparent that it was Trayvon’s account.
The account was in existence long before the shooting occurred a few weeks ago, and was deleted only recently, there are still dozens of references to
@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA in google’s cache.
The associated twitpic account matches the account name and is still online at the time of publication. Most of the pics were uploaded months ago, so this account was associated with Trayvon long before the shooting took place.
Several of Tray’s friends have been very open about referring to Trayvon using that account as well. His cousin, who is quite active on Twitter, refers to Trayvon more than a dozen times using the @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA nickname.
Violence & Gang Activity
There seem to be several allusions to violence on Tray’s Twitter account.
His friends posted supportive messages using it as well, about how happy they were that Trayvon whooped Zimmerman’s ass before he died.

Another post makes reference to Trayvon having “swung on a bus driver” a few days before he died.
Did that have something to do with his ten-day suspension?

On Trayvon’s MySpace page, at least one of his top friends, Romario305, is featured making a gang sign towards the camera in his default profile picture.

Almost all of this is in stark contrast to the media’s central narrative that Trayvon was a normal, happy, well-adjusted teenager.
Instead of that, we are seeing long suspensions from school, tattoos, racially-charged epitaphs, and violence.
Drug Culture
Several of his friends have posted pictures of rolled blunts to twitter in memorial to Trayvon.

There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.
On Facebook on February 5th, his friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Trayvon says he doesn’t have a phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”

That Facebook url should still work, if anyone is intrepid enough to check it out.
Unless Trayvon was selling Orchids, it seems fairly reasonable to posit that he may have been somewhat well-known among his friends for selling marijuana.
Hopefully this info paints a somewhat different picture of Trayvon than the one the media has been forcing down our throats for the last several weeks.
This is a complex case, and while all the facts are not in yet, we do know that Zimmerman was well within his rights to make verbal contact with someone he didn’t know or recognize in his neighborhood.
In fact, that’s exactly what Neighborhood Watch groups are for, to be the “eyes and ears” of the community. It appears that Zimmerman was very good at this job.
No matter how offended someone might be to have a stranger come up and ask what they are doing there, it doesn’t give anyone a license to commit assault.
From what I can tell, Zimmerman was doing a routine neighborhood watch, called in someone he considered suspicious, and was maintaining a visual on him until the police came.
Then he was attacked, had his nose broken and was in a prone position while crying out for help.
Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, according to a witness, and was still being beaten by someone much younger than him.
Many people are reading a lot into the weight difference between Martin and Zimmerman, but Zimmerman was also 5’9 and out of shape. I’m pretty sure many tubby thirty-year-olds wouldn’t do well against a fit, 6’3, 17-year-old.
This is a textbook self-defense case, and I’d urge anyone reading to look at the full set of facts before drawing conclusions.

Above is the iconic picture we’ve been become accustomed to seeing everywhere in the media, used to represent the recent Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida. From everything the public has been told,
Trayvon Martin was a fresh-faced, innocent looking teenager and the visage of the man who shot him, George Zimmerman, is right out of a booking photo.
The media narrative being sold is quite clear, Trayvon Martin is the innocent victim here and George Zimmerman is a horrible bigot who attacked the young man for doing nothing more than buying skittles while being black.
Even Barack Obama seems to accept the fresh-faced innocence of Trayvon, stating, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” More on that later.
It’s becoming more and more clear however that the innocent appearance the mainstream media is so desperate to apply to Trayvon isn’t at all accurate. The picture we’re used to seeing to represent Trayvon Martin appears to be a far cry from how he actually looked once he was a few years older.

Extended School Suspension
There has been a lot of analysis about the character of George Zimmerman in the media, and surprisingly little about Trayvon Martin.
For instance, a few days before he was killed, Trayvon was suspended from school for ten days.
Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade. “He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details. Before that, Trayvon attended Miami Carol City High School near his mother’s home in Miami Gardens.There has been very little follow-up in investigating exactly why Trayvon was suspended for such a long period of time for what seems to be the relatively minor offense of “being in an unauthorized area.” In most schools, something like that would be a detention, or one-day, in school suspension at most. Not ten days.
Of course, this is why Trayvon was staying as his Father’s house, so far away from school. And it also explains why George Zimmerman, who by all accounts seemed to stay on top of everything that happened in his neighborhood, didn’t recognize him that evening, Trayvon didn’t really live there, and was only in town because of the suspension.
It seems we may not find out more anytime soon, as a lawyer representing Trayvon’s family has sealed his school records.
Multiple Tattoos
To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues. Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image, rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.
Even though Trayvon was only 17, he already was sporting gold teeth, and several large tattoos. This one was on his wrist, apparently of his

This photo, taken from Tray’s MySpace page, shows another large tattoo that took up most of his upper arm.

It seems that Tray was also on Twitter, but his account seems to have been recently deleted by his family or friends.
His screen name was “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA, as you can see from the twitpic account screenshot above. He was also a member of a twitter hash group #team4dat.
At first, I was skeptical that anyone would maintain an account with that sort of derogatory slur in the title, but after doing some research, it’s apparent that it was Trayvon’s account.
The account was in existence long before the shooting occurred a few weeks ago, and was deleted only recently, there are still dozens of references to
@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA in google’s cache.
The associated twitpic account matches the account name and is still online at the time of publication. Most of the pics were uploaded months ago, so this account was associated with Trayvon long before the shooting took place.
Several of Tray’s friends have been very open about referring to Trayvon using that account as well. His cousin, who is quite active on Twitter, refers to Trayvon more than a dozen times using the @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA nickname.
Violence & Gang Activity
There seem to be several allusions to violence on Tray’s Twitter account.
His friends posted supportive messages using it as well, about how happy they were that Trayvon whooped Zimmerman’s ass before he died.

Another post makes reference to Trayvon having “swung on a bus driver” a few days before he died.
Did that have something to do with his ten-day suspension?

On Trayvon’s MySpace page, at least one of his top friends, Romario305, is featured making a gang sign towards the camera in his default profile picture.

Almost all of this is in stark contrast to the media’s central narrative that Trayvon was a normal, happy, well-adjusted teenager.
Instead of that, we are seeing long suspensions from school, tattoos, racially-charged epitaphs, and violence.
Drug Culture
Several of his friends have posted pictures of rolled blunts to twitter in memorial to Trayvon.

There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.
On Facebook on February 5th, his friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Trayvon says he doesn’t have a phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”

That Facebook url should still work, if anyone is intrepid enough to check it out.
Unless Trayvon was selling Orchids, it seems fairly reasonable to posit that he may have been somewhat well-known among his friends for selling marijuana.
Hopefully this info paints a somewhat different picture of Trayvon than the one the media has been forcing down our throats for the last several weeks.
This is a complex case, and while all the facts are not in yet, we do know that Zimmerman was well within his rights to make verbal contact with someone he didn’t know or recognize in his neighborhood.
In fact, that’s exactly what Neighborhood Watch groups are for, to be the “eyes and ears” of the community. It appears that Zimmerman was very good at this job.
No matter how offended someone might be to have a stranger come up and ask what they are doing there, it doesn’t give anyone a license to commit assault.
From what I can tell, Zimmerman was doing a routine neighborhood watch, called in someone he considered suspicious, and was maintaining a visual on him until the police came.
Then he was attacked, had his nose broken and was in a prone position while crying out for help.
Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, according to a witness, and was still being beaten by someone much younger than him.
Many people are reading a lot into the weight difference between Martin and Zimmerman, but Zimmerman was also 5’9 and out of shape. I’m pretty sure many tubby thirty-year-olds wouldn’t do well against a fit, 6’3, 17-year-old.
This is a textbook self-defense case, and I’d urge anyone reading to look at the full set of facts before drawing conclusions.
Collection Of Articles Exposing Googles Spying Activities
From July 2010 to March 2012 ,
Google faces prosecution in France for 'accidentally' smashing privacy laws with Street View | Mail Online
Timothy P. Carney: White House, Google violate lobbying pledge | Washington Examiner
Analysis: Google's private data grab means big legal trouble | Reuters
Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA
37 states join probe into Google Wi-Fi data collection | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Google and the CIA
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring | Danger Room | Wired.com
Post Tech - Verizon, Google make net neutrality pact, sources say
Google considering web access control
BBC - dot.Maggie: Anti-Google campaign on privacy
Group Attacks Google Privacy, Schmidt with Times Square Ad | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Texas Asks Whether Google Violates Search Neutrality - NYTimes.com
GCreep: Google Engineer Stalked Teens, Spied on Chats
BBC News - Czechs halt Google Street View
Some Android apps caught covertly sending GPS data to advertisers
Eric Schmidt: Google gets close to 'the creepy line' – Telegraph Blogs
Google's Schmidt: People Upset With Street View Can Always Move
Google: Why do we let this creepy company spy on our emails? | Mail Online
CLELAND: E-totalitarianism at Google - Washington Times
Activist Post: Google Blackmailing Users to Obtain Their Mobile Phone Numbers
France24 - Google won't be taken to court over data gather
Privacy and Security Fanatic: Watchdog Group questions Google's relationship with NSA
Lawmakers urge FCC to investigate Google - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
» Don’t Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World
No Big Deal, But Google May Have Promoted a Contest to Get Kids’ Social Security Numbers
Activist Post: New Google Algorithm is Live: News Aggregators Will Be Punished
Google, ITA deal approved with conditions | Reuters
Video Exposing Google Chief Schmidt Censored by You Tube - 12160
Google forced to change privacy practices after report the search giant publicises the home addresses of wi-fi users
Judge: Google Can Be Sued for Wiretapping in Street View Debacle | Threat Level | Wired.com
Google shuts down millions of websites : Federal Jack
Google-NSA Secrets Can Stay That Way, Judge Rules
» Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies
Federal lawmakers question if Google violated FTC agreement - latimes.com
Google to Buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion - Bloomberg
Google Is Closing Its Health Records Service - NYTimes.com
Google patents advertising tailored to the background sounds in phone calls | Mail Online
Activist Post: Widespread Smart Phone Spying is 'Unprecedented breach of digital privacy': Lawyers
Android smartphone software tracks every user action and keystroke, analysis finds
The Jewish hand behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
google has a kill switch working
The Kill Switch Comes to the PC - Businessweek
From July 2010 to March 2012 ,
Google faces prosecution in France for 'accidentally' smashing privacy laws with Street View | Mail Online
Timothy P. Carney: White House, Google violate lobbying pledge | Washington Examiner
Analysis: Google's private data grab means big legal trouble | Reuters
Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA
37 states join probe into Google Wi-Fi data collection | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Google and the CIA
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring | Danger Room | Wired.com
Post Tech - Verizon, Google make net neutrality pact, sources say
Google considering web access control
BBC - dot.Maggie: Anti-Google campaign on privacy
Group Attacks Google Privacy, Schmidt with Times Square Ad | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Texas Asks Whether Google Violates Search Neutrality - NYTimes.com
GCreep: Google Engineer Stalked Teens, Spied on Chats
BBC News - Czechs halt Google Street View
Some Android apps caught covertly sending GPS data to advertisers
Eric Schmidt: Google gets close to 'the creepy line' – Telegraph Blogs
Google's Schmidt: People Upset With Street View Can Always Move
Google: Why do we let this creepy company spy on our emails? | Mail Online
CLELAND: E-totalitarianism at Google - Washington Times
Activist Post: Google Blackmailing Users to Obtain Their Mobile Phone Numbers
France24 - Google won't be taken to court over data gather
Privacy and Security Fanatic: Watchdog Group questions Google's relationship with NSA
Lawmakers urge FCC to investigate Google - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
» Don’t Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World
No Big Deal, But Google May Have Promoted a Contest to Get Kids’ Social Security Numbers
Activist Post: New Google Algorithm is Live: News Aggregators Will Be Punished
Google, ITA deal approved with conditions | Reuters
Video Exposing Google Chief Schmidt Censored by You Tube - 12160
Google forced to change privacy practices after report the search giant publicises the home addresses of wi-fi users
Judge: Google Can Be Sued for Wiretapping in Street View Debacle | Threat Level | Wired.com
Google shuts down millions of websites : Federal Jack
Google-NSA Secrets Can Stay That Way, Judge Rules
» Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies
Federal lawmakers question if Google violated FTC agreement - latimes.com
Google to Buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion - Bloomberg
Google Is Closing Its Health Records Service - NYTimes.com
Google patents advertising tailored to the background sounds in phone calls | Mail Online
Activist Post: Widespread Smart Phone Spying is 'Unprecedented breach of digital privacy': Lawyers
Android smartphone software tracks every user action and keystroke, analysis finds
The Jewish hand behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
google has a kill switch working
The Kill Switch Comes to the PC - Businessweek
DARPA Director Leaving Pentagon For Google
One of the most top-secret Pentagon departments — the same that spawned America’s drones, military robots, electromagnetic guns and other sci-fi weaponry — is about to lose its top officer to Google.
Regina Dugan oversaw the development of some of the US military’s most marvelous high tech accomplishments as director of Darpa, but the head of the DoD’s research lab is parting ways with the Pentagon to take on a role with Google. Not even three years after she took on the role as the first female director of the America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, Regina Dugan is now walking away to join the ranks of America’s other innovative powerhouse. Dugan will be relinquishing her top roll at the Defense Department’s Darpa program and trading in the Potomac River for Silicon Valley, and says it is a natural decision to move somewhere where the possibilities seem endless. Apparently within the cogs of the war machine, there is only so much left to explore.
Confirming the move to a “senior executive position” with Google, Darpa spokesman Eric Mazzacone tells Wired that Dugan couldn’t refuse an offer with such an “innovative company” as the search engine giant. Until the latest news broke, however, Darpa had been touted as a creative — yet controversial — research lab for space-age technology only once imaginable. Darpa has developed technologies used across the globe that can take away lives and, as seen with cutting-edge robotic limbs, practically create them.
With the Defense Department scaling back on many operations and Google seemingly only growing, Dugan’s departure only makes sense given the timing. Both US President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have thrown their weight behind a shift in the Pentagon’s budget in an effort to save billions over the next few years. Google, on the other hand, has only increased its outreach, operating countless new endeavors and taking on new mediums.
That’s not to say, of course, that Dugan avoided trouble while with Darpa. She has been the subject of an investigation after awarding pricey contracts to a defense research company she partially owns, a deal which prompted the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General to open a probe. Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, a spokesperson for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says that the change in command and ongoing investigation into Dugan’s RedX Defense company are unrelated, but aside that there is little known about her career change. On their part, a Google rep tells PC Mag, "Regina is a technical pioneer who brought the future of technology to the military during her time at DARPA," adding, "She will be a real asset to Google, and we are thrilled she is joining the team."
In a statement from the Pentagon, Frank Kendall for Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, adds, “Regina Dugan’s leadership at Darpa has been extraordinary and she will be missed throughout the Department.
“We are all very grateful for the many contributions she has made in advancing the technologies that our war fighters depend on.”
Dugan, however, had blasted Darpa for not doing enough only a year earlier. “There is a time and a place for daydreaming. But it is not at Darpa,” she told a congressional panel in March 2011. “Darpa is not the place of dreamlike musings or fantasies, not a place for self-indulging in wishes and hopes. Darpa is a place of doing.”
The transition also raises further questions about what relationship the federal government has with Google. As RT reported yesterday, an advocacy group will be taking the US National Security Agency to court later this month in hopes of finding details on what ties, if any, the NSA has with Google. The NSA has refused to disclose any details in the past that discuss a relationship, despite a series of Freedom of Information Act requests.
One of the most top-secret Pentagon departments — the same that spawned America’s drones, military robots, electromagnetic guns and other sci-fi weaponry — is about to lose its top officer to Google.
Regina Dugan oversaw the development of some of the US military’s most marvelous high tech accomplishments as director of Darpa, but the head of the DoD’s research lab is parting ways with the Pentagon to take on a role with Google. Not even three years after she took on the role as the first female director of the America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, Regina Dugan is now walking away to join the ranks of America’s other innovative powerhouse. Dugan will be relinquishing her top roll at the Defense Department’s Darpa program and trading in the Potomac River for Silicon Valley, and says it is a natural decision to move somewhere where the possibilities seem endless. Apparently within the cogs of the war machine, there is only so much left to explore.
Confirming the move to a “senior executive position” with Google, Darpa spokesman Eric Mazzacone tells Wired that Dugan couldn’t refuse an offer with such an “innovative company” as the search engine giant. Until the latest news broke, however, Darpa had been touted as a creative — yet controversial — research lab for space-age technology only once imaginable. Darpa has developed technologies used across the globe that can take away lives and, as seen with cutting-edge robotic limbs, practically create them.
With the Defense Department scaling back on many operations and Google seemingly only growing, Dugan’s departure only makes sense given the timing. Both US President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have thrown their weight behind a shift in the Pentagon’s budget in an effort to save billions over the next few years. Google, on the other hand, has only increased its outreach, operating countless new endeavors and taking on new mediums.
That’s not to say, of course, that Dugan avoided trouble while with Darpa. She has been the subject of an investigation after awarding pricey contracts to a defense research company she partially owns, a deal which prompted the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General to open a probe. Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, a spokesperson for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says that the change in command and ongoing investigation into Dugan’s RedX Defense company are unrelated, but aside that there is little known about her career change. On their part, a Google rep tells PC Mag, "Regina is a technical pioneer who brought the future of technology to the military during her time at DARPA," adding, "She will be a real asset to Google, and we are thrilled she is joining the team."
In a statement from the Pentagon, Frank Kendall for Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, adds, “Regina Dugan’s leadership at Darpa has been extraordinary and she will be missed throughout the Department.
“We are all very grateful for the many contributions she has made in advancing the technologies that our war fighters depend on.”
Dugan, however, had blasted Darpa for not doing enough only a year earlier. “There is a time and a place for daydreaming. But it is not at Darpa,” she told a congressional panel in March 2011. “Darpa is not the place of dreamlike musings or fantasies, not a place for self-indulging in wishes and hopes. Darpa is a place of doing.”
The transition also raises further questions about what relationship the federal government has with Google. As RT reported yesterday, an advocacy group will be taking the US National Security Agency to court later this month in hopes of finding details on what ties, if any, the NSA has with Google. The NSA has refused to disclose any details in the past that discuss a relationship, despite a series of Freedom of Information Act requests.
Jewgle Patents Technology Which Allows Them To Spy On "Background Noise" "To Give Your Targetted Ads"..... Yeah Sure
Adverts could soon be tailored according to the background noise around you when using your smartphone, if a patent application by Google becomes reality.
The search engine giant has filed for a patent called ‘Advertising based on environmental conditions’.
As that title implies, it’s not just background sounds that could be used to determine what adverts you seen on your mobile phone. The patent also describes using ‘temperature, humidity, light and air composition’ to produced targeted adverts
The application said: ‘A web browser or search engine located at the user's site may obtain information on the environment (e.g., temperature, humidity, light, sound, air composition) from sensors.
‘Advertisers may specify that the ads are shown to users whose environmental conditions meet certain criteria.
‘For example, advertisements for air conditioners can be sent to users located at regions having temperatures above a first threshold, while advertisements for winter overcoats can be sent to users located at regions having temperatures below a second threshold.’
Google has come under fire recently with users becoming increasingly concerned about its attitude to privacy and perceived obsession with making money.
Google's controversial new 'privacy policy' allows the search giant to 'pool' information from 60 separate services including Gmail, Google Search and Android phones, to create 'personalised' advertising.
Google ignored an international outcry to launch its new privacy policy on March 1 this year, despite concerns it may be illegal in the EU, as well as countries such as Japan and South Korea.
European Union authorities said that the new privacy policy appears to violate European law, in an email to Google CEO Larry Page.
A coalition of 50 consumer groups in the UK and the U.S also wrote to Page to protest against the new policy.
Meanwhile, a former Google executive - James Whittaker - even lambasted his former employer in a 1328-word blog attack recently, saying 'the Google I was passionate about was a technology company - the Google I left was an advertising company’.
For some, the environmental conditions patent reinforces his view.
Naga Saravan Golla wrote on thenextweb.com: ‘That will be really annoying!’ While Wayne Smallman said: ‘What desperation. Google, you're losing it.’
However, not everyone was concerned.
David Williams wrote on the site: ‘I actually appreciate targeted ads. The point is that ads are always going to be there, so why not make them only things I'm interested in for myself or my company?’
A Google spokesperson said: 'We file patent applications on a variety of ideas that our employees come up with. Some of those ideas later mature into real products or services, some don't.
'Prospective product announcements should not necessarily be inferred from our patent applications.'
Adverts could soon be tailored according to the background noise around you when using your smartphone, if a patent application by Google becomes reality.
The search engine giant has filed for a patent called ‘Advertising based on environmental conditions’.
As that title implies, it’s not just background sounds that could be used to determine what adverts you seen on your mobile phone. The patent also describes using ‘temperature, humidity, light and air composition’ to produced targeted adverts
The application said: ‘A web browser or search engine located at the user's site may obtain information on the environment (e.g., temperature, humidity, light, sound, air composition) from sensors.
‘Advertisers may specify that the ads are shown to users whose environmental conditions meet certain criteria.
‘For example, advertisements for air conditioners can be sent to users located at regions having temperatures above a first threshold, while advertisements for winter overcoats can be sent to users located at regions having temperatures below a second threshold.’
Google has come under fire recently with users becoming increasingly concerned about its attitude to privacy and perceived obsession with making money.
Google's controversial new 'privacy policy' allows the search giant to 'pool' information from 60 separate services including Gmail, Google Search and Android phones, to create 'personalised' advertising.
Google ignored an international outcry to launch its new privacy policy on March 1 this year, despite concerns it may be illegal in the EU, as well as countries such as Japan and South Korea.
European Union authorities said that the new privacy policy appears to violate European law, in an email to Google CEO Larry Page.
A coalition of 50 consumer groups in the UK and the U.S also wrote to Page to protest against the new policy.
Meanwhile, a former Google executive - James Whittaker - even lambasted his former employer in a 1328-word blog attack recently, saying 'the Google I was passionate about was a technology company - the Google I left was an advertising company’.
For some, the environmental conditions patent reinforces his view.
Naga Saravan Golla wrote on thenextweb.com: ‘That will be really annoying!’ While Wayne Smallman said: ‘What desperation. Google, you're losing it.’
However, not everyone was concerned.
David Williams wrote on the site: ‘I actually appreciate targeted ads. The point is that ads are always going to be there, so why not make them only things I'm interested in for myself or my company?’
A Google spokesperson said: 'We file patent applications on a variety of ideas that our employees come up with. Some of those ideas later mature into real products or services, some don't.
'Prospective product announcements should not necessarily be inferred from our patent applications.'
New Revelations In The Trayvon Martin Case
Suspended THREE times for drugs, truancy and graffiti and 'caught carrying a burglary tool': New picture emerges of Trayvon Martin (and did he attack a bus driver too?)
The teen was suspended from school three times
He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness
Tearful parents say their son is now the victim of a smear campaign
New poll shows 73 percent of Americans think Zimmerman should be arrested
Trayvon Martin was suspended from school three times in the months before he was shot dead by a neighborhood watchman, it emerged today.
The new claims, revealed in a leaked report, paint a different picture of a teenager who frequently found himself in trouble with authorities.
It was also revealed that he might have attacked a bus driver, according to a Twitter account that it is claimed belonged to the teen.
The Miami Herald claims that in October, he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 pieces of women's jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.
Earlier, he had been suspended for skipping school and showing up late to class. And most recently, in February, he was suspended again when officials found a 'marijuana pipe' and an empty baggie with traces of the drug.
The fresh claims are likely to be seized upon by supporters of George Zimmerman who say the teenager launched an unprovoked attack on the neighbourhood watch volunteer moments before Trayvon was shot dead.
The revelation about the suspension in October, in a school report obtained by the Herald, was condemned today by Trayvon's family as part of a campaign to smear their dead son.
The boy's mother said: 'They killed my son and now they're trying to kill his reputation.'
The conservative news site the Daily Caller and the blog the Wagist claim they have unearthed a Twitter account, which has since been taken down, that belonged to the teen.
Among many Tweets, the Wagist claims, is a message from his cousin implying that Trayvon attacked a bus driver.
'Yu ain't tell me yu swung on a bus driver,' a user Tweeted to Travyon's alleged account five days before he was killed.
The Daily Caller, says it has published 152 pages of tweets downloaded from Trayvon's account. The site says Trayvon went by the Twitter handle NO_LIMIT_N***A.
A few of the messages make reference to using drugs including one that says: 'Finna (I'm fixing to) smoke 1 wit my dawg wayne.'
But most are simply a take on daily life -- the same as most social media accounts.
Another says: '2 glock 40's... b**** you got 80 problems.'
Meanwhile, Joe Oliver, Zimmerman's longtime friend, told Good Morning America Monday that no matter how the case comes out -- even if the shooting is ruled justified -- 'George has virtually lost his life, too.'
Mr Oliver said Zimmerman has gone into hiding and is in fear of his life over the public outcry for his arrest. A fringe group, the New Black Panther Party, has offered a $10,000 reward for his 'capture.'
The boy’s parents say that they have never heard the claim about the screw driver and jewellery.
The October suspension was officially for graffiti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker.
According to an October report of the incident by the Miami Dade Schools Police, obtained by the Miami Herald, Trayvon never received any punishment for the jewellery because he said it was not his and it belonged to a friend.
In total, he had 12 pieces of mostly women’s rings and earrings in his bag.
Instead, he was suspended on October 21for the graffiti charge.
Ben Crump, a lawyer for Trayvon’s parents, said that they ‘never heard anything like this about a bag of jewellery….And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened February 26.
‘They never heard this, and don’t believe it’s true. If it were true, why wouldn’t they call the parents? Why wasn’t he arrested?
‘We think everybody is trying to demonize him.’
The Martin family has admitted that the October suspension was his second, and that he had previously been suspended for tardiness and truancy.
The third, and arguably most serious suspension, came in February in the days leading up to his death.
According to the Miami Herald, Miami-Dade Schools Police reported finding a bag with marijuana residue and a ‘marijuana pipe’ in the 17-year-old’s possession.
The boy was never criminally charged, but the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to drug related incidents so he was suspended for an undisclosed amount of time.
Mr Crump said: ‘If he and his friends experimented with marijuana, that is completely irrelevant. What does it have to do with killing their son?’
After rallies and meetings all day Monday in Sanford, Florida, where the shooting occurred, Trayvon's parents are expected to appear on Capitol Hill Tuesday as the US Congress takes up the issue of racial profiling.
The hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee comes as nearly three quarters of Americans believe Zimmerman should be arrested, according to a CNN/ORC International poll.
Only 11 percent of the people surveyed believe Zimmerman should not be arrested. The rest are unsure.
The unanimity against Zimmerman's shooting even crosses racial and lines. About 67 percent of whites support his arrest and 86 percent of non-whites. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents are all on the same page.
At a Sanford City Council meeting Monday, which turned into a public forum on the Trayvon shooting, Rev Al Sharpton gave city leaders a petition with 2 million signatures of people calling for Zimmerman to be locked up.
The new details about Trayvon’s past come the same day as thousands marched through the streets of Sanford, where the shooting happened, to demand justice.
The boy's mother and father joined the rally, where they called for justice.
His mother said: 'I know I cannot bring my baby back. But I’m sure going to make changes so that does not happen to another family.'
While his father Tracy said Zimmmerman 'needs to be arrested'. 'He needs to be put on trial.
The national attention from perennial leaders of the black community, Sharpton and Rev Jesse Jackson is not welcome, according to C.L. Bryant, the former head of the NAACP in Garland, Texas.
'His family should be outraged at the fact that they’re using this child as the bait to inflame racial passions,' the conservative pastor told the Daily Caller.
He said they were 'acting as though they are buzzards circling the carcass of this young boy.'
Trayvon's parents and civil rights leaders spoke after a dramatic police account of the fatal shooting claimed the black teen launched an unprovoked attack on the neighborhood watch volunteer in which he punched him in the face, knocked him to the ground and then bashed his head into the sidewalk several times before trying to grab his gun.
The report, leaked to the Orlando Sentinel and ABC News and based on anonymous sources, supports accounts from George Zimmerman's allies that he acted in self-defense when he shot dead the 17-year-old one month ago in Sanford Florida.
The embattled Sanford Police Department, while condemning the leak, confirmed that the story was consistent with information private to the State Attorney's office, which is currently considering whether to file charges against Zimmerman.
The police account is also based mostly on Zimmerman's own words to officers after they arrived at the gated community February 26, but it is the most complete picture of his side of the shooting that has been released publicly.
As the Orland Sentinel reports, Zimmerman got out of his car and followed Trayvon as he walked back to the home of his father's girlfriend after picking up snacks at a local convenience store.
Zimmerman called 911 to report a suspicious black teenager who looked like he might be on drugs.
As he walked after the teen, the police dispatcher told Zimmerman he didn't need to keep following.
A minute passes and police don't know what happens.
Then, according to Zimmerman, Trayvon approached him from behind and they 'exchanged words.'
Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said, 'no.'
Then, according to Zimmerman, Trayvon said, 'Well now you do,' and unexpectedly punched Zimmerman in the face, knocking him to the ground.
Trayvon, 6-foot-3 and 140 pounds, then reportedly climbed on top of the 250-pound Zimmerman and bashed his head into the sidewalk several times.
One unidentified witness, who did not see the shooting, said he saw a younger man on top of an older man and the older man was screaming for help.
Police say the cries that witnesses reported, which Trayvon's family say were coming from the teen, are actually likely from Zimmerman.
Zimmerman, who had a permit to carry a handgun, shot Trayvon once in the chest at very close range, killing him.
According to police reports and accounts given by Zimmerman's lawyer, Craig Sooner, the 28-year-old's nose was bloody or broken, his lip was bleeding and he had a bloody gash on the back of his head.
As the national outcry over the shooting continued to gather momentum, Zimmerman's allies say he was in a 'fight for his life.'
'It's not a racial issue. George Zimmerman is absolutely not a racist,' Zimmerman's lawyer told the Today Show Monday. Zimmerman is half white and half Hispanic.
His friend Joe Oliver joined his lawyer for several TV interviews Sunday and Monday to publicly defend Zimmerman.
'The bottom line is there was a life and death struggle in that instance and someone was going to die,' Mr Oliver told the Today Show.
‘Because he was there and he knows what happened...he's been very confident -- naively -- that this would all blow over,' Mr Oliver said in an appearance on ABC's Good Morning America Sunday. He added that Zimmerman cried for days after the incident.
Police did not arrest Zimmerman after the February 26 because he cited Florida's so-called 'Stand Your Ground' law, which does not require residents to retreat and allows them to defend themselves when they have reasonable belief that they will be killed or severely injured.
That law could also make it difficult to win a conviction if they file charges against Zimmerman, a top prosecutor told Good Morning America Monday.
'The Stand Your Ground law is one portion of justifiable use of deadly force,' veteran State Attorney Angela Corey said.
'And what that means is that the state must go forward and be able to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt… So it makes the case in general more difficult than a normal criminal case.'
Despite being legally justified, according to friends, Zimmerman is remorseful about killing Trayvon.
Mr Oliver said Zimmerman wishes he could tell the boy's parents he is 'very, very sorry.'
Furthermore, Mr Oliver says, Zimmerman, who is currently in hiding, didn't stop crying for days after the killing.
The interviews comes the same day as a new report says that Justice Department investigators may try to charge him with a hate crime, and they are thought to be using the alleged murmuring on the 911 call to argue he said a racial slur before fatally shooting the teen.
'If that was a racial epithet that preceded the attack on Trayvon Martin, we definitely have a hate crime,' said Drexel University law professor Donald Tibbs.
'It sounds pretty obvious to me.'
Even if Zimmerman is not charged, the entire Sanford police department may be investigated regardless to see if they destroyed or hid any evidence during their initial investigation.
Mr Oliver also identified the voice screaming in the now-infamous 911 tapes as the Neighbourhood Watch captain, not of Martin as the teen's parents claim.
‘From the clips that I’ve heard online, I heard George. That sounded like someone who was in dire need of help. It sounded like George.’
'At that point, either George or Trayvon was going to die.'
Despite the defense from Zimmerman's allies, a new witness has stepped forward and said she and her roommate heard Trayvon screaming before hearing a shot being fired.
In an interview which aired on Dateline NBC Sunday night, Mary Cutcher said that she and her roommate ran out after hearing the shot.
‘We both saw him straddling the body, basically, a foot on both sides of Trayvon’s body and his hands pressed on his back,’ Ms Cutcher said of she and her roommate.
‘It sounded young. It didn’t sound like a grown man is my point. It sounded to me like someone was in distress and it wasn’t like a crying, sobbing boo-hoo, it was a definite whine.
‘He started walking back and forth like three times with his hand on the head and kind of, he was walking like kind of confused.
‘He was in shock.’
This version of events plays into the beliefs of millions of protestors who have called for Zimmerman to be charged with murder for shooting the teen and believe the killing was racially motivated.
Ms Fulton, Trayvon's mother, filed applications with the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office to seek ownership of the phrases 'I Am Trayvon' and 'Justice for Trayvon’ which supporters have adopted as rallying cries.
Ms Fulton's lawyer, Ms Major Morris, told the Associated Press that the money that will be gathered from the trademark will go to 'projects that will assist other families who experience similar tragedies'.
She denied that Ms Fulton had any intention of profiting from the move.
The case has become a national issue, and the slain teen's parents have both quit their jobs to help see that the fight for justice continues. In that effort, they have allowed their lawyers to set up a donation fund for the legal costs, but now they fear that other fake sites have sprung up, hoping to profit from the national outrage.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Trayvon Martin Was On Top Of George ZImmerman Beating Him When He Was Shot
Besides the fact that almost all media outlets have lied about what race George Zimmerman is (he is a Latino/Mestizo), they are also censoring major important details of the case. Some have even published wild opinions about the 911 calls as if the opinions were factual statements.
Would you be surprised to know that the statements of the eyewitness are being censored in almost every media story about the shooting?
1. When police officers arrived, George Zimmerman had a bloody nose and was bleeding from a wound on the back on his head.
2. The eyewitness who called 911 said Zimmerman who screamed for help.
3. The eyewitness also reports that Zimmerman was on the ground and Martin was on top of him beating on him.
This information was made public by a local Orlando television station on February 27th. We now have 22 days of rampant media reports that omit these facts. Once you see what information the police had, it is obvious why they did not arrest him. They were simply abiding by Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Police are now required to have evidence that a shooter was not acting in self-defense.
How many times have you heard the phrase “Trayvon Martin was a cheerful person,” but you had never heard the words of the eye-witness to the shooting?
Each time you see a “mainstream” news outlet rant about the Zimmerman/Martin case, ask yourself why these three facts mentioned above are missing from the story. Ask yourself why the media is called Zimmerman a white man instead of a Latino. Ask yourself if you think the story is really news or is it agitation/propaganda designed to advance a political agenda.
This past weekend in Chicago alone, black and Latino gangbabgers shot 10 people and wounded 40. The youngest fatality is only six years old. This received no national coverage. Why does this one shooting warrant weeks of coverage?
Even if you think Zimmerman was completely unjustified in firing his gun; ask yourself why 99% of the now thousands of articles are solely from the point of view of the grieving family without trying give a balanced account of the events.
Even more details were released by police on March 16th. Click here to watch news clip.
Neighborhood saw rash of black crime leading up to shooting.
From Miami Herald…
The answer may lie in police records, which show that 50 suspicious-person reports were called in to police in the past year at Twin Lakes. There were eight burglaries, nine thefts and one other shooting in the year prior to Trayvon’s death.
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.
“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”
Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.
“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.
They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.
“He came by here and talked about carrying guns and getting my wife more involved with guns,” he said. “He said I should have a weapon and that his wife took classes to learn how to use one.
Besides the fact that almost all media outlets have lied about what race George Zimmerman is (he is a Latino/Mestizo), they are also censoring major important details of the case. Some have even published wild opinions about the 911 calls as if the opinions were factual statements.
Would you be surprised to know that the statements of the eyewitness are being censored in almost every media story about the shooting?
1. When police officers arrived, George Zimmerman had a bloody nose and was bleeding from a wound on the back on his head.
2. The eyewitness who called 911 said Zimmerman who screamed for help.
3. The eyewitness also reports that Zimmerman was on the ground and Martin was on top of him beating on him.
This information was made public by a local Orlando television station on February 27th. We now have 22 days of rampant media reports that omit these facts. Once you see what information the police had, it is obvious why they did not arrest him. They were simply abiding by Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Police are now required to have evidence that a shooter was not acting in self-defense.
How many times have you heard the phrase “Trayvon Martin was a cheerful person,” but you had never heard the words of the eye-witness to the shooting?
Each time you see a “mainstream” news outlet rant about the Zimmerman/Martin case, ask yourself why these three facts mentioned above are missing from the story. Ask yourself why the media is called Zimmerman a white man instead of a Latino. Ask yourself if you think the story is really news or is it agitation/propaganda designed to advance a political agenda.
This past weekend in Chicago alone, black and Latino gangbabgers shot 10 people and wounded 40. The youngest fatality is only six years old. This received no national coverage. Why does this one shooting warrant weeks of coverage?
Even if you think Zimmerman was completely unjustified in firing his gun; ask yourself why 99% of the now thousands of articles are solely from the point of view of the grieving family without trying give a balanced account of the events.
Man shot and killed in neighborhood altercation: MyFoxORLANDO.com
Even more details were released by police on March 16th. Click here to watch news clip.
Neighborhood saw rash of black crime leading up to shooting.
From Miami Herald…
The answer may lie in police records, which show that 50 suspicious-person reports were called in to police in the past year at Twin Lakes. There were eight burglaries, nine thefts and one other shooting in the year prior to Trayvon’s death.
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.
“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”
Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.
“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.
They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.
“He came by here and talked about carrying guns and getting my wife more involved with guns,” he said. “He said I should have a weapon and that his wife took classes to learn how to use one.
Breakin The Law by Eric Peters
You can’t fight city hall, the saying goes – and it’s true. You’re at their mercy – and are forced to play by their rules. When you get a traffic ticket, for instance, you have to pretend to agree with the premise (i.e, that the law you were charged with violating is fundamentally legitimate) but you should be let off because of some extenuating factor, such as poor signage or your speedometer wasn’t reading accurately. Your honor, I didn’t mean to speed… . It’s degrading to have to play out this pantomime but there’s not much choice because resistance – overt resistance – is futile.
However, evasion is still possible. And it can make you glad.
There is a stop sign at the terminus of a T intersection I know very well because every day I run that stop sign. Well, sort of. As I approach the T, I look left – you can see down the road a good half mile – and if no one’s coming, I make my right turn without coming to a complete stop beforehand, as required by “the law.” There’s no good reason to come to a complete stop – other than it being “the law.” And I do my best to evade and ignore “the law” when “the law” conflicts with reasonableness and common sense – and because I chafe at obeying anything “just because.” There is no reason to come to a complete stop; you lose momentum and that wastes gas – no small thing these days. If one can see that there’s no opposing traffic, why stop?
I know – because it’s “the law.”
Here’s another:
Here’s another:
There is a traffic light at a certain intersection. If you sit at this intersection waiting for the green light to make a left turn you will wait a very long time. The bureaucrats who time this signal have it set so that it does not give the drivers waiting to go left a green light for 5 minutes, from one cycle to the next. And it often skips cycles – so that opposing traffic gets the green but you don’t. If you obey “the law,” you may be sitting there for as long as 10 minutes – staring at the empty road in either direction, servilely obeying a light.
Because it’s “the law.”
I routinely run this light – because I find the prospect of just sitting there for 5-10 minutes for absolutely no reason (other than “the law”) to be idiotic. My time – and the $4 per gallon gas in my tank – are valuable to me. Much more valuable than obeisance to “the law.” So, if my V1 radar detector (also against “the law”) and my eyes tell me there’s no cops and no traffic and it’s safe to proceed, I will proceed.
And boy does it feel good!
Not just the “getting away with it,” either. (Though that is enough all by itself. Each time you “get away with it,” you amortize the costs of the times you didn’t. So, for example, if I “speed” every day and get away with it, the occasional ticket I get works out to mere pennies per offense.)
But there is also the empowering satisfaction that comes of exercising one’s own judgment – and of exercising initiative – as opposed to the doughy, filmy-eyed passivity that “the law” demands.
Too bad so many Americans have forgotten what it feels like.
And I think that is precisely the point. “The law” wants doughy, filmy-eyed passivity. It persecutes the exercise of judgment – even when there’s no denying the objective rightness of the judgment exercised. For example, if a cop witnessed me “running the light” (or “failing to come to a complete stop” at that stop sign) a ticket – and fat fine – would be coming my way, irrespective of the fact that no harm was caused or even theoretically possible. My pointing out that no opposing traffic was around – that I’d looked first and proceeded with due caution – would cut no ice even if he knew all that to be true (having witnessed it himself). The only thing that matters is “the law.”
Which is why trampling such laws underfoot whenever possible is so important – in addition to being satisfying. It is – well, was – part of the American Way.
Those over a certain age will recall the National 55 MPH speed limit, in force for about 20 long years – from about 1974 to 1995. To their credit, most Americans thumbed their nose at this “law” whenever they could get away with it. It was a stupid law – an evil law, because it criminalized reasonable driving and became the pretext for stealing – yes, that’s the right word – millions of dollars annually from drivers in the form of “speeding” tickets and the subsequent ratcheting upward of their insurance premiums on the basis of these tickets. It was outrageous and contemptible – and for once, the American people stood up to it. By not paying attention to it. By ignoring “the law” – and driving at reasonable, safe speeds (speeds that are now also legal speeds once more, it’s worth pointing out).
Why shouldn’t the same go for other mule-headed laws such as the ones demanding full stops at stop signs in the middle of nowhere, when it’s clear there’s no reason (other than it being “the law”) to come to a complete stop? Why should we sit like cattle at lights that never change (or which take forever to change) when there’s no reason (other than it being against “the law”) to look, then proceed?
If enough of us began to treat with similar contempt the other laws – the many laws – that plague us but which are just as silly as “Drive 55″ (or Prohibition) we could shame and ridicule these laws into the history books. The stumbling block is overcoming the passivity and submissiveness that is now the American archetype. We didn’t use to be this way – and we don’t have to be this way forever. You say you’re sick of the suffocating, controlling New World Order that’s congealing all around you? Defy it! Not with bullets – but with initiative and common sense. And ridicule. These tools are still available to us.
If only enough of us were willing to pick them up… .
Throw it in the Woods?
You can’t fight city hall, the saying goes – and it’s true. You’re at their mercy – and are forced to play by their rules. When you get a traffic ticket, for instance, you have to pretend to agree with the premise (i.e, that the law you were charged with violating is fundamentally legitimate) but you should be let off because of some extenuating factor, such as poor signage or your speedometer wasn’t reading accurately. Your honor, I didn’t mean to speed… . It’s degrading to have to play out this pantomime but there’s not much choice because resistance – overt resistance – is futile.
However, evasion is still possible. And it can make you glad.
There is a stop sign at the terminus of a T intersection I know very well because every day I run that stop sign. Well, sort of. As I approach the T, I look left – you can see down the road a good half mile – and if no one’s coming, I make my right turn without coming to a complete stop beforehand, as required by “the law.” There’s no good reason to come to a complete stop – other than it being “the law.” And I do my best to evade and ignore “the law” when “the law” conflicts with reasonableness and common sense – and because I chafe at obeying anything “just because.” There is no reason to come to a complete stop; you lose momentum and that wastes gas – no small thing these days. If one can see that there’s no opposing traffic, why stop?
I know – because it’s “the law.”
Here’s another:
Here’s another:
There is a traffic light at a certain intersection. If you sit at this intersection waiting for the green light to make a left turn you will wait a very long time. The bureaucrats who time this signal have it set so that it does not give the drivers waiting to go left a green light for 5 minutes, from one cycle to the next. And it often skips cycles – so that opposing traffic gets the green but you don’t. If you obey “the law,” you may be sitting there for as long as 10 minutes – staring at the empty road in either direction, servilely obeying a light.
Because it’s “the law.”
I routinely run this light – because I find the prospect of just sitting there for 5-10 minutes for absolutely no reason (other than “the law”) to be idiotic. My time – and the $4 per gallon gas in my tank – are valuable to me. Much more valuable than obeisance to “the law.” So, if my V1 radar detector (also against “the law”) and my eyes tell me there’s no cops and no traffic and it’s safe to proceed, I will proceed.
And boy does it feel good!
Not just the “getting away with it,” either. (Though that is enough all by itself. Each time you “get away with it,” you amortize the costs of the times you didn’t. So, for example, if I “speed” every day and get away with it, the occasional ticket I get works out to mere pennies per offense.)
But there is also the empowering satisfaction that comes of exercising one’s own judgment – and of exercising initiative – as opposed to the doughy, filmy-eyed passivity that “the law” demands.
Too bad so many Americans have forgotten what it feels like.
And I think that is precisely the point. “The law” wants doughy, filmy-eyed passivity. It persecutes the exercise of judgment – even when there’s no denying the objective rightness of the judgment exercised. For example, if a cop witnessed me “running the light” (or “failing to come to a complete stop” at that stop sign) a ticket – and fat fine – would be coming my way, irrespective of the fact that no harm was caused or even theoretically possible. My pointing out that no opposing traffic was around – that I’d looked first and proceeded with due caution – would cut no ice even if he knew all that to be true (having witnessed it himself). The only thing that matters is “the law.”
Which is why trampling such laws underfoot whenever possible is so important – in addition to being satisfying. It is – well, was – part of the American Way.
Those over a certain age will recall the National 55 MPH speed limit, in force for about 20 long years – from about 1974 to 1995. To their credit, most Americans thumbed their nose at this “law” whenever they could get away with it. It was a stupid law – an evil law, because it criminalized reasonable driving and became the pretext for stealing – yes, that’s the right word – millions of dollars annually from drivers in the form of “speeding” tickets and the subsequent ratcheting upward of their insurance premiums on the basis of these tickets. It was outrageous and contemptible – and for once, the American people stood up to it. By not paying attention to it. By ignoring “the law” – and driving at reasonable, safe speeds (speeds that are now also legal speeds once more, it’s worth pointing out).
Why shouldn’t the same go for other mule-headed laws such as the ones demanding full stops at stop signs in the middle of nowhere, when it’s clear there’s no reason (other than it being “the law”) to come to a complete stop? Why should we sit like cattle at lights that never change (or which take forever to change) when there’s no reason (other than it being against “the law”) to look, then proceed?
If enough of us began to treat with similar contempt the other laws – the many laws – that plague us but which are just as silly as “Drive 55″ (or Prohibition) we could shame and ridicule these laws into the history books. The stumbling block is overcoming the passivity and submissiveness that is now the American archetype. We didn’t use to be this way – and we don’t have to be this way forever. You say you’re sick of the suffocating, controlling New World Order that’s congealing all around you? Defy it! Not with bullets – but with initiative and common sense. And ridicule. These tools are still available to us.
If only enough of us were willing to pick them up… .
Throw it in the Woods?
The Real Price of 'Free' Online Services
Why Social Media Is Killing Your Online Privacy
On March 1st, Google announced a major change to their privacy policy, which states that Google can now use any information it has collected about you in the past (from any of your Google accounts – Gmail, Google Maps, etc.) in order to provide "better" search and advertising offers to you going forward.
So for example, if you receive lots of travel-related e-mails to your GMail account, don't be surprised if ads from travel agencies all of a sudden pop up while you're browsing YouTube.
For this, Google has been branded as "evil" by many in the media and privacy space. In fact, there are complaints about how this change might even be illegal in the European Union.
This new privacy policy has certainly caught people off guard. A recent WSJ article detailing how Google overrode the privacy settings in the popular browser Safari to put tracking cookies on user's computers have not helped. This, combined with previous claims that Google was funded by the CIA, certainly make it appear as though Google is a major privacy abuser when it comes to users of their free services.
But they are far from alone, and far from being the worst.
For example, Twitter recently sold an archive of every "tweet" (what users call the messages sent using Twitter) sent via the service. DataSift, the company who purchased the Twitter archive, claims they are striking a similar deal with Facebook in the near future. DataSift plans to sell access to this archive to anyone who wants to tap into this information to help with their marketing (or for whatever purpose). I am sure the FBI, NSA, and CIA all have their credit cards in hand...
What you see as an invasion of privacy is what these companies call a business model.
The Real Price You Pay for "Free" Online Services
This excellent article from CNET discusses the new paradigm in detail. While companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter provide you with free services, what they get in return is much more valuable than what they could charge users for their services. They get free information about you, your life, and your preferences, as well as every single time you search, tweet, and post updates.
With Google at over 2 billions users, Facebook at over 845 million users, and Twitter at over 300 million users, these companies have data stores which are literally worth billions of dollars. They use this information to sell ads on their own network (e.g., Facebook generated $3.2 Billion last year in advertising revenue – not bad huh?), or sell the information to companies like DataSift.
If you want to see the end result of all this lost privacy, go to Spokeo and enter in your name and state. Chances are, you are in there. Along with where you live, your sex, your race, how much your house is probably worth, and who else in your family lives with you. And that is just the free information! For the low, low price of US$3.95 per month, someone can sign up for their service and REALLY dig into your personal information. They can get your phone numbers, e-mail addresses, information about your religion, your hobbies, your political affiliation... all served up in a neat, tidy report.
If You Aren't Part Of The Solution, You Are Part Of The Problem
If you go to Spokeo's Privacy page (where you can find out how to remove your records from their service) you can see all the ways they collect information about you for their service – namely, by aggregating data from the following sources:
Social Networks
Real Estate Records
Marketing Surveys
Online Maps
There are ways to solve the privacy issues around your home phone number being published (most phone companies can provide you with an unlisted number) and having real estate records in your name (using an New Mexico LLC to hold the property, for instance)... but the ones I am most troubled by are the social networks and the marketing surveys. Why?
Because they are the most detailed sources of information about you.
And because they are damage you are inflicting on your own privacy.
You see, when you fill out an online survey in hopes of winning something for free and that company tells you they need your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address so they can contact you in case you win... you just gave away your privacy. Your contact information and all of your survey answers ends up on a service like Spokeo and now anyone in the world with a credit card can access personal details about you for any purpose they choose.
When you spend hours a day on Facebook, posting where you are at any given time, commenting on articles and clicking the "Like" button, companies can access that information for their own use. Facebook starts sending ads to your "friends" based on this information, and even uses your name and photos in the ads. And soon, all of that information will end up in the hands of DataSift.
At the end of the day, Google is not responsible for your privacy. Neither is Facebook, Twitter, Spokeo, DataSift, or any other company.
YOU are responsible for your own online privacy.
Google did not force you to sign up for a free GMail account. Facebook did not make you post the intimate details of your life on their site. Twitter did not coerce you to tweet about every place you go to in a day. And no one held a gun to your head while you filled out that online marketing survey in hoping of winning a new iPad. You did all of that to yourself.
Facebook Free, and Still Sociable
Here is the good news... Since you choose to do all of that yourself, you can also choose to stop. You can detach yourself from these social networks. I have been Facebook and Twitter free for months now. Amazingly, my family and friends still find a way to communicate with me.
The bottom line is: don't offer up your personal information for free to just any random marketing offer out there. Stop putting the details of your life online for someone else to monetize. Start using services like StartPage for your web searches to get more privacy. Use a VPN service that can help encrypt your Internet traffic and hide where you are browsing from. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can begin to take back your online privacy.
Why Social Media Is Killing Your Online Privacy
On March 1st, Google announced a major change to their privacy policy, which states that Google can now use any information it has collected about you in the past (from any of your Google accounts – Gmail, Google Maps, etc.) in order to provide "better" search and advertising offers to you going forward.
So for example, if you receive lots of travel-related e-mails to your GMail account, don't be surprised if ads from travel agencies all of a sudden pop up while you're browsing YouTube.
For this, Google has been branded as "evil" by many in the media and privacy space. In fact, there are complaints about how this change might even be illegal in the European Union.
This new privacy policy has certainly caught people off guard. A recent WSJ article detailing how Google overrode the privacy settings in the popular browser Safari to put tracking cookies on user's computers have not helped. This, combined with previous claims that Google was funded by the CIA, certainly make it appear as though Google is a major privacy abuser when it comes to users of their free services.
But they are far from alone, and far from being the worst.
For example, Twitter recently sold an archive of every "tweet" (what users call the messages sent using Twitter) sent via the service. DataSift, the company who purchased the Twitter archive, claims they are striking a similar deal with Facebook in the near future. DataSift plans to sell access to this archive to anyone who wants to tap into this information to help with their marketing (or for whatever purpose). I am sure the FBI, NSA, and CIA all have their credit cards in hand...
What you see as an invasion of privacy is what these companies call a business model.
The Real Price You Pay for "Free" Online Services
This excellent article from CNET discusses the new paradigm in detail. While companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter provide you with free services, what they get in return is much more valuable than what they could charge users for their services. They get free information about you, your life, and your preferences, as well as every single time you search, tweet, and post updates.
With Google at over 2 billions users, Facebook at over 845 million users, and Twitter at over 300 million users, these companies have data stores which are literally worth billions of dollars. They use this information to sell ads on their own network (e.g., Facebook generated $3.2 Billion last year in advertising revenue – not bad huh?), or sell the information to companies like DataSift.
If you want to see the end result of all this lost privacy, go to Spokeo and enter in your name and state. Chances are, you are in there. Along with where you live, your sex, your race, how much your house is probably worth, and who else in your family lives with you. And that is just the free information! For the low, low price of US$3.95 per month, someone can sign up for their service and REALLY dig into your personal information. They can get your phone numbers, e-mail addresses, information about your religion, your hobbies, your political affiliation... all served up in a neat, tidy report.
If You Aren't Part Of The Solution, You Are Part Of The Problem
If you go to Spokeo's Privacy page (where you can find out how to remove your records from their service) you can see all the ways they collect information about you for their service – namely, by aggregating data from the following sources:
Social Networks
Real Estate Records
Marketing Surveys
Online Maps
There are ways to solve the privacy issues around your home phone number being published (most phone companies can provide you with an unlisted number) and having real estate records in your name (using an New Mexico LLC to hold the property, for instance)... but the ones I am most troubled by are the social networks and the marketing surveys. Why?
Because they are the most detailed sources of information about you.
And because they are damage you are inflicting on your own privacy.
You see, when you fill out an online survey in hopes of winning something for free and that company tells you they need your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address so they can contact you in case you win... you just gave away your privacy. Your contact information and all of your survey answers ends up on a service like Spokeo and now anyone in the world with a credit card can access personal details about you for any purpose they choose.
When you spend hours a day on Facebook, posting where you are at any given time, commenting on articles and clicking the "Like" button, companies can access that information for their own use. Facebook starts sending ads to your "friends" based on this information, and even uses your name and photos in the ads. And soon, all of that information will end up in the hands of DataSift.
At the end of the day, Google is not responsible for your privacy. Neither is Facebook, Twitter, Spokeo, DataSift, or any other company.
YOU are responsible for your own online privacy.
Google did not force you to sign up for a free GMail account. Facebook did not make you post the intimate details of your life on their site. Twitter did not coerce you to tweet about every place you go to in a day. And no one held a gun to your head while you filled out that online marketing survey in hoping of winning a new iPad. You did all of that to yourself.
Facebook Free, and Still Sociable
Here is the good news... Since you choose to do all of that yourself, you can also choose to stop. You can detach yourself from these social networks. I have been Facebook and Twitter free for months now. Amazingly, my family and friends still find a way to communicate with me.
The bottom line is: don't offer up your personal information for free to just any random marketing offer out there. Stop putting the details of your life online for someone else to monetize. Start using services like StartPage for your web searches to get more privacy. Use a VPN service that can help encrypt your Internet traffic and hide where you are browsing from. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can begin to take back your online privacy.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Jewgle Shuts Down Russia Todays Youtube Channel

We will have more info as this develops.
This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, scams and commercially deceptive content.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Reckless 267 Pound Cop Turns 100 Pound 20 Year Old Girl Into A Vegetable
My Note: I am not defending this girl, as far as I can tell she is a scumbag. The problem is, as I see it, the cop gets to play judge jury and executioner. If someone at a party were to knock this girl to the ground turning her into a vegetable he would be arrested and most likely put into prison, the cop on the other hand will probably get a promotion.
Editor’s note: Clearly she was of no threat to this cop. There are good reasons why some people use the word PIG to reference these cowards. Was he was too fat and lazy to chase after her? The death penalty exists for people like the “police officer”. This is worse than murder because she now has to “live” in a coma.
On September 19, 2011, 20 year old Danielle Maudsley was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for being involved in two misdemeanor traffic incidents and reportedly driving without a license. Police said she had cocaine and oxycodone in her system when she ran out the back door of a Florida Highway Patrol substation with 267 pound FHP Officer Daniel Cole in slow trotting pursuit. When 100 pound Danielle was about three feet distance from Officer Cole, Cole shot her in the back with 50,000 volt TASER darts which caused her to spin around and fall on her back, hitting her head hard on the pavement when she landed.
Thanks to Cole’s decisions, Danielle Maudsley’s life was ended for her within two minutes of hitting the pavement. .
While she will continue to breath, she is brain dead and will no longer know the everyday events which you and I experience and take for granted as the very essence of what it menas to “enjoy” life and to be alive. Her body may continue to live, but her life is gone forever.
Within a few days of the Sept. 19, 2011 TASER incident, Officer Daniel Cole was cleared of all “wrongdoing”:
“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted an independent review of the incident,” FHP spokesperson Sgt. Steve Gaskins said. “Their investigation found that the trooper’s actions were legal and within the scope of his duties.”
When you see the video clips below, ask yourself if there is any legitimate and reasonable justification for this psychopathic, inhumane, overweight, flat-footed slob of a cop, to have ended this girl’s life with a TASER weapon, when any adult male cop in reaonable physical condition, could have EASILY overtaken her and simpy grabbed her to stop her from fleeing?
You can see from the dashboard video that the girl is not capable of running that fast, but Cole isn’t even RUNNING; he’s TROTTING, and doing it in a very flat-footed manner. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that Cole is too OVERWEIGHT and too OUT OF SHAPE to actualy run after her, so he finds it much more convenient to simply shoot her in the back with the TASER darts, rather than exert hmself anymore than he already had. Since he’s a psycho-sociopath, he has absolutely no concern whatsover about the pain and suffering he will inflict upon this young 20 year old waif of a woman, because he just doesn’t want to exert himself anymore than he has to during his shift. Accomodating his LAZINESS and lack of physical conditioning is FAR more important to him than is this girl’s life or well being.
The first video clip only shows a portion of the first two minutes in which Officer Fleet Foot is berating the girl (who is withering in pain) after shooting her with these astute questions: “What were you thinking? What are you, stupid?
Editor’s note: Clearly she was of no threat to this cop. There are good reasons why some people use the word PIG to reference these cowards. Was he was too fat and lazy to chase after her? The death penalty exists for people like the “police officer”. This is worse than murder because she now has to “live” in a coma.
On September 19, 2011, 20 year old Danielle Maudsley was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for being involved in two misdemeanor traffic incidents and reportedly driving without a license. Police said she had cocaine and oxycodone in her system when she ran out the back door of a Florida Highway Patrol substation with 267 pound FHP Officer Daniel Cole in slow trotting pursuit. When 100 pound Danielle was about three feet distance from Officer Cole, Cole shot her in the back with 50,000 volt TASER darts which caused her to spin around and fall on her back, hitting her head hard on the pavement when she landed.
Thanks to Cole’s decisions, Danielle Maudsley’s life was ended for her within two minutes of hitting the pavement. .
While she will continue to breath, she is brain dead and will no longer know the everyday events which you and I experience and take for granted as the very essence of what it menas to “enjoy” life and to be alive. Her body may continue to live, but her life is gone forever.
Within a few days of the Sept. 19, 2011 TASER incident, Officer Daniel Cole was cleared of all “wrongdoing”:
“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted an independent review of the incident,” FHP spokesperson Sgt. Steve Gaskins said. “Their investigation found that the trooper’s actions were legal and within the scope of his duties.”
When you see the video clips below, ask yourself if there is any legitimate and reasonable justification for this psychopathic, inhumane, overweight, flat-footed slob of a cop, to have ended this girl’s life with a TASER weapon, when any adult male cop in reaonable physical condition, could have EASILY overtaken her and simpy grabbed her to stop her from fleeing?
You can see from the dashboard video that the girl is not capable of running that fast, but Cole isn’t even RUNNING; he’s TROTTING, and doing it in a very flat-footed manner. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that Cole is too OVERWEIGHT and too OUT OF SHAPE to actualy run after her, so he finds it much more convenient to simply shoot her in the back with the TASER darts, rather than exert hmself anymore than he already had. Since he’s a psycho-sociopath, he has absolutely no concern whatsover about the pain and suffering he will inflict upon this young 20 year old waif of a woman, because he just doesn’t want to exert himself anymore than he has to during his shift. Accomodating his LAZINESS and lack of physical conditioning is FAR more important to him than is this girl’s life or well being.
The first video clip only shows a portion of the first two minutes in which Officer Fleet Foot is berating the girl (who is withering in pain) after shooting her with these astute questions: “What were you thinking? What are you, stupid?
Feminist Argues In Favor Of "Good Christian Bitches"
Interesting, when jewish writers call "Christians" bitches, all is well and it is an acceptable term. But if a Christian writer had a show about jewish bitches, this butt ugly dyke on TV would be singing a much different tune.
Interviews like this make it abundantly clear that feminism (female wing of cultural marxism) exists to destroy (or prevent)the White family and nothing more.
Interviews like this make it abundantly clear that feminism (female wing of cultural marxism) exists to destroy (or prevent)the White family and nothing more.
How To Become An American Extremist In Style!
For most of us in America today, childhood was a time of vast and unassailable dreams. What we could become, what the world could become, was limited only by the strength of spirit setting aloft our ideas, and this strength, as all young people instinctively know, is infinite. While the possibilities of the future seemed boundless, few of us, including myself, ever considered “political extremism” as a viable lifestyle decision. Astronaut? Maybe. Filmmaker? Sure. Enemy Belligerent? Not so much…
While each of us is ultimately a product of our own decisions and internal choices, even beyond the influences of our environment, the cultural atmosphere of our age certainly determines the manner in which we are able to express our individual character. The brilliant and talented are sometimes cast into roles of poverty and obscurity. The obscene and devious often ascend to positions of righteous reverence. Good men are often painted as villains for centuries, while evil men are regarded as saints for just as long. The point is, the times in which we live rarely express in an honest way who we really are, unless, of course, we take hold of them tight, and cut out a new path for history to travel…
Those men and women who drive forward without fear or doubt to assert control over their destinies, and force their era to reflect their principles, rather than their principles becoming a side-note to their era, whether honorable or dishonorable, are invariably considered “extreme”. Most human beings waft about with the tides of time as passengers; spectators watching events unfold from the sidelines. Those who swim against the currents, or who attempt to change their flow altogether, are usually rare and confounding to the masses. Therefore, that which the masses consider extremism is often merely that which they consider far outside what they have grown accustomed.
Frankly, history has proven over and over again that the majority is usually wrong about most things. Groups and collectives do not create, or discover, or advance humanity. Only individuals are capable of this. All great concepts begin as seeds within independent people, and then spread like wildfire as they educate others. A society that strives for artificial normality and collectivist harmonization is a society on the verge of chaos and death. Only free hearts and minds give man hope of survival.
In my view, that which is extreme is NOT that which violates the boundaries of “normal” society, but which violates the boundaries of inherent truth, and conscience. In an honest society, an extremist is someone who denies the universal foundations of existence, and tries to play demigod in a fantasy world of moral relativism and rationalized criminality. A disjointed freak of nature that seeks to impose his twisted will upon others. Unfortunately, the honest definition of extremism is not the most popular amongst the frothing elitists that reside over the functions of our political structure today.
Life is a bummer like that…
So instead, why not embrace the label that the establishment is so keen to pigeonhole us with, and make it our own? I have found that the less I care about the critical eye of others, the more free I am to change things for the better. Certainly, by any standard of our current national leadership and by the throngs that support it, I am an extremist. Luckily, this does not concern me. It is not important to be accepted by the mainstream, it is only important to remain objectively correct in one’s position. In the grand scheme of the world, to be a thorn in the side of so-called “proper society” is a sure fire path to a life without regret. America was founded by undesirables, and built by non-conformists. We are a nation whose blood is thick with defiance and outright knock-out revolutionary badass anti-authoritarian hostility. We cut kings down to size.
At least, we used to…
In modern America, it’s not nice or pleasant or practical to approach political problems with the attitude of a radical. That puts people off. And there’s nothing worse than having people not like you, right? Better to play the game and hope that a better world will simply materialize out of the ether. Don’t rock the boat, especially when you’re in it…
For those of us in the Liberty Movement, this passive approach just doesn’t satiate our ravenous hunger for the bizarre. And by “bizarre”, I mean honest. Our time here is short, and usually ugly, and filled with people and circumstances and disasters and biases and abhorrences and painful moments and sometimes smells that we would much rather not deal with. The least we can ask for is a little truth. If I have to be confronted with crusted wheezing gas-bloated nightmare figures like John McCain or Joseph Lieberman, men who would label me a terrorist if they could, then I should be allowed the satisfaction of a concrete fact or two before I am shipped of to the nearest Halliburton run military sanctioned prison facility for re-education and naked dog-piling (which these men seem to particularly enjoy).
The truth is the first and greatest sin in the dark pestilent pit of any active tyranny. I recommend it highly. Seek the truth, and ye shall be fined…or jailed. This is the first step towards a glorious career as an American extremist, and living such a lifestyle can be fun and exciting, if one follows these simple guidelines:
1) Make A Ruckus
Identify the imperative issues of the day that most people don’t want to be confronted with……..and then talk about them constantly. But don’t just talk about them; talk about them intelligently and with an informative stance. That really drives the willfully ignorant crazy. Make your position and the facts behind it visible in the mainstream, through writing, videos, protest, graffiti, bumper stickers, tatts, whatever…
The establishment’s first line of defense is not necessarily to suppress the truth, but to keep it on the fringe of society, out of sight of the average citizen. Your job is to shove the truth in people’s faces, so that they are forced to at least acknowledge that it exists, even if they don’t want to accept it.
2) Laugh At Petty Authority
Most authority in our modern world is, really, only petty authority. True authority is fostered by a sense of respect that is earned through leadership by example. The greatest authorities are those who teach, not those who command, and political governance is null and void if that governance was attained through subversion and lies.
Of course, this view is a proven fast track to the nearest solitary confinement cell, but hey, living such a rock ‘n roll flavored "extreme" existence is not without risks…
Extremists recognize that a dishonest politician is only a conman in a nice suit, and nothing more. They recognize that a law enforcement official that has no regard for Constitutional liberties, or for human decency, is just a gun toting goon in a badge and costume, and is not due any more respect than a common criminal. They see alphabet agencies as extensions of a system that no longer holds any principles beyond sustaining its own wretched existence, and rightly look down upon those who would sell out to such cancerous bureaucracies for a paycheck and some undeserved prestige. They laugh at such people, because in the grand scheme of things, these “great pillars” of our nation are, in fact, tragically ridiculous.
3) Refuse To Be Pegged With Arbitrary Labels
I once entered into a debate with a long time Democrat over the painfully farcical presidency of Barack Obama. After discovering that I held the same exact views on George W. Bush, he became frustrated and nearly infuriated, because he could not place me into a preconceived political box. He complained that my stance could not be readily categorized, and this interfered with his ability to argue with me.
I replied…. “Good! That’s exactly the way it should be!”
Extremism itself is an arbitrary label, whose definition is shifted by those in power to fit any person or group that happens to get in their way at any particular time. However, to take this label and make it ours, we definitely can’t allow ourselves to be affiliated with hollow and meaningless political parties like the Democrats or the GOP, not to mention all the prefabricated and shallow philosophical platforms they engender. Every problem and situation should be approached as new, and should be dealt with using social and legal methods that WORK, as opposed to those that happen to follow a particular party line. There should be, at bottom, as many political viewpoints as there are individuals, not only two homogenized standards that we are forced to choose from in the hopes that one will be “less destructive” than the other.
4) Prepare For Life Without Window Shopping
A surefire way to become an extremist today is to suggest preparation for any kind of disaster. For the average American, there is no such thing as a tomorrow without Happy Meals and Nikes. To suggest the possibility is akin to dancing naked on the freeway with a Gadsden Flag. Despite the fact that in countries across the planet setting aside goods for survival is as common as mowing the lawn here in the U.S., many in America can’t fathom adopting such habits. This is because many still believe that the system will protect them from harm no matter what happens. The “extremist” thinks differently.
He realizes that there have been too many instances in the past when government was not helpful to those in the midst of catastrophe, and in some cases, was even the cause of greater harm. He seeks to remove his dependence on this system, and procure the insurance necessary to help himself if the need ever arises.
The Federal Government has seen fit to identify the mere act of prepping as a sign of possible extremism, so, let’s get “extreme”, shall we? I would rather be extreme and alive, than a non-threatening and law abiding corpse.
5) Build A Terrifying Gun Collection
If the contents of your house doesn’t scare the living hell out of your yuppie next door neighbor, then you aren’t an extremist yet. Time to pay off the layaway on that 50. Cal!
Firearms ownership is a widespread American pastime, and is growing by the month. However, there seems to be a misconception that this pastime is about our “sportsman’s heritage”, or self defense against local crime. Nope. That’s not why the extremist stockpiles an arsenal (an arsenal is defined as however many guns you happen to have when the ATF shows up at your doorstep). He owns scary guns to defend against rogue governments and the rise of the totalitarian dynamic. Freaky, I know…
Forget all this sportsman nonsense! We own weapons to dissuade oligarchy from getting comfortable on our couches! Our concern is not the wildlife…
6) Question The Accepted Reality Of Everything
You can’t be an extremist if you believe everything you hear from the TV. Actually, you can’t be an extremist if you believe ANYTHING you hear on the TV. An extremist takes absolutely no stock in what the mainstream media says without further investigation, and would rather be caught dead than caught parroting talking points from cable news broadcasts.
Is a certain philosophical or political position suddenly considered “common knowledge”? Be suspicious. Is a particular methodology or debate point appearing in every journalistic outlet at the same exact time with the same exact one sided narrative? Time to pull out the B.S. detector. Is a politician opening his mouth and talking? Have a shovel handy…
The extremist’s job is not necessarily to be contradictory just for the sake of contrariness. It is, though, his job to be critical, discerning, and discriminating against that which doesn’t hold up to the light of candid examination. While there is always room for a certain amount of “interpretation”, ultimately, if a circumstance rings false, it must be exposed. Period.
Even if that exposure is harmful to the state of our country or our culture in the short term, deceit left unchecked in the long term is the single greatest destroyer of entire civilizations, and is absolutely unacceptable, especially to the extremist…
I think it is clear that extremists in an environment of despotism are in most cases people who refuse to abandon that which makes humanity whole. We are, indeed, dangerous, but only to those who would do liberty harm. A life of conformity is a life wasted, and a life of slavery is no life at all. Whatever we may be called today, what we leave behind is ultimately what defines us. Labels are irrelevant. If I am an “extremist” because I refuse to participate in the delusion that is America in the new millennium, then so be it. I am more than happy to join the long list of insurrectionaries who inhabit this nation today and who have been the legitimate makers of the world for generations. Everything in history revolves not around governments, but rule-breakers. They alone decide whether humanity will live tight in the fist of the authoritarian machine, or live free in the wilds of unbridled independence.
One man with courage is a majority.
Thomas Jefferson
For most of us in America today, childhood was a time of vast and unassailable dreams. What we could become, what the world could become, was limited only by the strength of spirit setting aloft our ideas, and this strength, as all young people instinctively know, is infinite. While the possibilities of the future seemed boundless, few of us, including myself, ever considered “political extremism” as a viable lifestyle decision. Astronaut? Maybe. Filmmaker? Sure. Enemy Belligerent? Not so much…
While each of us is ultimately a product of our own decisions and internal choices, even beyond the influences of our environment, the cultural atmosphere of our age certainly determines the manner in which we are able to express our individual character. The brilliant and talented are sometimes cast into roles of poverty and obscurity. The obscene and devious often ascend to positions of righteous reverence. Good men are often painted as villains for centuries, while evil men are regarded as saints for just as long. The point is, the times in which we live rarely express in an honest way who we really are, unless, of course, we take hold of them tight, and cut out a new path for history to travel…
Those men and women who drive forward without fear or doubt to assert control over their destinies, and force their era to reflect their principles, rather than their principles becoming a side-note to their era, whether honorable or dishonorable, are invariably considered “extreme”. Most human beings waft about with the tides of time as passengers; spectators watching events unfold from the sidelines. Those who swim against the currents, or who attempt to change their flow altogether, are usually rare and confounding to the masses. Therefore, that which the masses consider extremism is often merely that which they consider far outside what they have grown accustomed.
Frankly, history has proven over and over again that the majority is usually wrong about most things. Groups and collectives do not create, or discover, or advance humanity. Only individuals are capable of this. All great concepts begin as seeds within independent people, and then spread like wildfire as they educate others. A society that strives for artificial normality and collectivist harmonization is a society on the verge of chaos and death. Only free hearts and minds give man hope of survival.
In my view, that which is extreme is NOT that which violates the boundaries of “normal” society, but which violates the boundaries of inherent truth, and conscience. In an honest society, an extremist is someone who denies the universal foundations of existence, and tries to play demigod in a fantasy world of moral relativism and rationalized criminality. A disjointed freak of nature that seeks to impose his twisted will upon others. Unfortunately, the honest definition of extremism is not the most popular amongst the frothing elitists that reside over the functions of our political structure today.
Life is a bummer like that…
So instead, why not embrace the label that the establishment is so keen to pigeonhole us with, and make it our own? I have found that the less I care about the critical eye of others, the more free I am to change things for the better. Certainly, by any standard of our current national leadership and by the throngs that support it, I am an extremist. Luckily, this does not concern me. It is not important to be accepted by the mainstream, it is only important to remain objectively correct in one’s position. In the grand scheme of the world, to be a thorn in the side of so-called “proper society” is a sure fire path to a life without regret. America was founded by undesirables, and built by non-conformists. We are a nation whose blood is thick with defiance and outright knock-out revolutionary badass anti-authoritarian hostility. We cut kings down to size.
At least, we used to…
In modern America, it’s not nice or pleasant or practical to approach political problems with the attitude of a radical. That puts people off. And there’s nothing worse than having people not like you, right? Better to play the game and hope that a better world will simply materialize out of the ether. Don’t rock the boat, especially when you’re in it…
For those of us in the Liberty Movement, this passive approach just doesn’t satiate our ravenous hunger for the bizarre. And by “bizarre”, I mean honest. Our time here is short, and usually ugly, and filled with people and circumstances and disasters and biases and abhorrences and painful moments and sometimes smells that we would much rather not deal with. The least we can ask for is a little truth. If I have to be confronted with crusted wheezing gas-bloated nightmare figures like John McCain or Joseph Lieberman, men who would label me a terrorist if they could, then I should be allowed the satisfaction of a concrete fact or two before I am shipped of to the nearest Halliburton run military sanctioned prison facility for re-education and naked dog-piling (which these men seem to particularly enjoy).
The truth is the first and greatest sin in the dark pestilent pit of any active tyranny. I recommend it highly. Seek the truth, and ye shall be fined…or jailed. This is the first step towards a glorious career as an American extremist, and living such a lifestyle can be fun and exciting, if one follows these simple guidelines:
1) Make A Ruckus
Identify the imperative issues of the day that most people don’t want to be confronted with……..and then talk about them constantly. But don’t just talk about them; talk about them intelligently and with an informative stance. That really drives the willfully ignorant crazy. Make your position and the facts behind it visible in the mainstream, through writing, videos, protest, graffiti, bumper stickers, tatts, whatever…
The establishment’s first line of defense is not necessarily to suppress the truth, but to keep it on the fringe of society, out of sight of the average citizen. Your job is to shove the truth in people’s faces, so that they are forced to at least acknowledge that it exists, even if they don’t want to accept it.
2) Laugh At Petty Authority
Most authority in our modern world is, really, only petty authority. True authority is fostered by a sense of respect that is earned through leadership by example. The greatest authorities are those who teach, not those who command, and political governance is null and void if that governance was attained through subversion and lies.
Of course, this view is a proven fast track to the nearest solitary confinement cell, but hey, living such a rock ‘n roll flavored "extreme" existence is not without risks…
Extremists recognize that a dishonest politician is only a conman in a nice suit, and nothing more. They recognize that a law enforcement official that has no regard for Constitutional liberties, or for human decency, is just a gun toting goon in a badge and costume, and is not due any more respect than a common criminal. They see alphabet agencies as extensions of a system that no longer holds any principles beyond sustaining its own wretched existence, and rightly look down upon those who would sell out to such cancerous bureaucracies for a paycheck and some undeserved prestige. They laugh at such people, because in the grand scheme of things, these “great pillars” of our nation are, in fact, tragically ridiculous.
3) Refuse To Be Pegged With Arbitrary Labels
I once entered into a debate with a long time Democrat over the painfully farcical presidency of Barack Obama. After discovering that I held the same exact views on George W. Bush, he became frustrated and nearly infuriated, because he could not place me into a preconceived political box. He complained that my stance could not be readily categorized, and this interfered with his ability to argue with me.
I replied…. “Good! That’s exactly the way it should be!”
Extremism itself is an arbitrary label, whose definition is shifted by those in power to fit any person or group that happens to get in their way at any particular time. However, to take this label and make it ours, we definitely can’t allow ourselves to be affiliated with hollow and meaningless political parties like the Democrats or the GOP, not to mention all the prefabricated and shallow philosophical platforms they engender. Every problem and situation should be approached as new, and should be dealt with using social and legal methods that WORK, as opposed to those that happen to follow a particular party line. There should be, at bottom, as many political viewpoints as there are individuals, not only two homogenized standards that we are forced to choose from in the hopes that one will be “less destructive” than the other.
4) Prepare For Life Without Window Shopping
A surefire way to become an extremist today is to suggest preparation for any kind of disaster. For the average American, there is no such thing as a tomorrow without Happy Meals and Nikes. To suggest the possibility is akin to dancing naked on the freeway with a Gadsden Flag. Despite the fact that in countries across the planet setting aside goods for survival is as common as mowing the lawn here in the U.S., many in America can’t fathom adopting such habits. This is because many still believe that the system will protect them from harm no matter what happens. The “extremist” thinks differently.
He realizes that there have been too many instances in the past when government was not helpful to those in the midst of catastrophe, and in some cases, was even the cause of greater harm. He seeks to remove his dependence on this system, and procure the insurance necessary to help himself if the need ever arises.
The Federal Government has seen fit to identify the mere act of prepping as a sign of possible extremism, so, let’s get “extreme”, shall we? I would rather be extreme and alive, than a non-threatening and law abiding corpse.
5) Build A Terrifying Gun Collection
If the contents of your house doesn’t scare the living hell out of your yuppie next door neighbor, then you aren’t an extremist yet. Time to pay off the layaway on that 50. Cal!
Firearms ownership is a widespread American pastime, and is growing by the month. However, there seems to be a misconception that this pastime is about our “sportsman’s heritage”, or self defense against local crime. Nope. That’s not why the extremist stockpiles an arsenal (an arsenal is defined as however many guns you happen to have when the ATF shows up at your doorstep). He owns scary guns to defend against rogue governments and the rise of the totalitarian dynamic. Freaky, I know…
Forget all this sportsman nonsense! We own weapons to dissuade oligarchy from getting comfortable on our couches! Our concern is not the wildlife…
6) Question The Accepted Reality Of Everything
You can’t be an extremist if you believe everything you hear from the TV. Actually, you can’t be an extremist if you believe ANYTHING you hear on the TV. An extremist takes absolutely no stock in what the mainstream media says without further investigation, and would rather be caught dead than caught parroting talking points from cable news broadcasts.
Is a certain philosophical or political position suddenly considered “common knowledge”? Be suspicious. Is a particular methodology or debate point appearing in every journalistic outlet at the same exact time with the same exact one sided narrative? Time to pull out the B.S. detector. Is a politician opening his mouth and talking? Have a shovel handy…
The extremist’s job is not necessarily to be contradictory just for the sake of contrariness. It is, though, his job to be critical, discerning, and discriminating against that which doesn’t hold up to the light of candid examination. While there is always room for a certain amount of “interpretation”, ultimately, if a circumstance rings false, it must be exposed. Period.
Even if that exposure is harmful to the state of our country or our culture in the short term, deceit left unchecked in the long term is the single greatest destroyer of entire civilizations, and is absolutely unacceptable, especially to the extremist…
I think it is clear that extremists in an environment of despotism are in most cases people who refuse to abandon that which makes humanity whole. We are, indeed, dangerous, but only to those who would do liberty harm. A life of conformity is a life wasted, and a life of slavery is no life at all. Whatever we may be called today, what we leave behind is ultimately what defines us. Labels are irrelevant. If I am an “extremist” because I refuse to participate in the delusion that is America in the new millennium, then so be it. I am more than happy to join the long list of insurrectionaries who inhabit this nation today and who have been the legitimate makers of the world for generations. Everything in history revolves not around governments, but rule-breakers. They alone decide whether humanity will live tight in the fist of the authoritarian machine, or live free in the wilds of unbridled independence.
One man with courage is a majority.
Thomas Jefferson
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