There are few things which I find more frustrating then watching White males and women worship blacks. Obviously I have issue with this on multiple levels but casting the jewish push for White women to bed down with blacks thus destroying the White race aside, I would like to focus on the purely superficial level.
Take for example the typical American male today, a beer drinking, at least slightly overweight male who enjoys sports. You see this male often extremely angry to the point of physical violence when his sports team is losing, yet his nation which his forefathers forged by blood and sweat turning a barren land into the most powerful country in the history of the earth, doesn't even warrant a pause for concern or even a passing thought. This is the epitome of decadence, stupidity and laziness. I have no time nor tolerance for such utter spineless, brainless, cowardice fools.
But these morons don't stop at just ignoring their country rotting from the inside out, it's much much sadder than that. In any sport where blacks take part they are constantly glorified by the jewish controlled media. They are as large as the game they play, White girls rush out to bed down with these degenerate thugs, White males rush out and buy their jerseys and sing their praises. Why?
Why are these negroes worshipped? What exactly do they do? They are talented at putting a ball through a hoop? They can run fast? That is literally the extent of their contributions to society at large. They hone these skills on the basketball courts of their section 8 housing complex, and who needs a job when the government amply provides for their family?
The fact that Whites worship these blacks is pathetic enough, but it gets exponentially moreso when you consider the talents, and contributions of Whites to the entire world. Here you have a race of people whose ancestors have sent people to outer space, conquered the earth, tamed any wilderness they attempted, cured nearly all diseases, built skyscrapers, bridges, ships the size of cities, submarines which people can live underwater for months at a time, the internet where people can communicate across the entire planet for just pennies per day I mean the list is so long I'd be an old man before I finished listing the myriad of achievements.
This is like a great inventor, say Nikola Tesla worshipping and being awe struck by animals in a zoo whose only achievement is throwing shit around and making people laugh. It's so utterly asinine that if it weren't a reality I wouldn't be able to believe it.
Of course we know why the jews push us to worship the blacks,
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to install in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause"
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program For The 20th Century (1912) quoted by Congressman
Abernathy, Congressional Record (1957), p. 8559
It's time to stop, to throw off the years of brainwashing, to hell with the Negro Football League and the Negro Basketball Association, they are all pure rot, a gigantic waste of time, money, and a giant slap in the face to the great men who have come before us and toiled in the sun so that we might not have to.
Friday, March 18, 2011
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Understanding Negro Worship
Car4 · 722 weeks ago