Dear Thomas,
After a full year of rope-a-done and refusing to have his Federal Reserve audited, Ben Bernanke is on the ropes and could be knocked out for re-nomination.
Campaign for Liberty activists are in the lead insisting "No Audit, No Bernanke." Please immediately call Senator Kent Conrad and Senator Byron Dorgan at the numbers below and tell them (again, if you've already called) "No Audit, No Bernanke."
Here's what's going on:
Campaign for Liberty launced a nationwide fight against a bailout for Bernanke last week. Now we are following it up with phones, email and banner ads targeting over a dozen swing-vote senators.
The Senate is boiling over with outrage about the Fed's abuse of the TARP program, bailouts, and money supply, as well as its refusal to submit to a full and complete audit.
Now is the time to deal the knockout blow!
Please call your senators at the numbers below and join in the fight:
Senator Kent Conrad: 202-224-2043
Senator Byron Dorgan: 202-224-2551
Tell them that Ben Bernanke must not be confirmed without an up or down roll call vote for Audit the Fed on the Senate floor.
This fight is really coming to a head, and the decision could will likely come in the next few days. Please call now.
In liberty,

John Tate
P.S. Thanks to the efforts of patriots like you, Ben Bernanke's days of secrecy at the Federal Reserve may be numbered!
That's because his confirmation is being held up until the Senate votes on Audit the Fed. Please call your senators at the numbers above and tell them plain and simple: "No Audit, No Bernanke."