Help free American citizen and patriot David Duke from the Thought Police!
Contact the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington DC:
Embassy: The Czech Republic
3900 Spring of Freedom Street, NW, Washington DC 20008
Telephone: (202) 274-9100
Fax: (202) 966-8540
E-mail: washington@embassy.mzv.cz
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
NOSEK, Francis J.
810 N Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99501
tel.: 907.274.2602
fax: 907.258.2001
e-mail: fnosek@alaska.net
or frank@noseklaw.com
Jurisdiction: California
Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
500 Sansome Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
tel.: 415.772.9603
fax: 415.772.9670
e-mail: pivnickacgcz@earthlink.net
web: www.czechtech.net
Jurisdiction: Florida
Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Becker & Poliakoff, P.A.
Emerald Lake Corp. Park
3111 Stirling Road
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
tel.: 954.985.4127
fax: 954.985.4176
e-mail: fortlauderdale@honorary.mzv.cz or abecker@becker-poliakoff.com
web: www.becker-poliakoff.com
Jurisdiction: Georgia
Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
NOVAK, George A.
c/o Gleeds/Castell
Four Concourse Pkwy, Suite 215
Atlanta, GA 30328
tel: 678.587.9198
fax: 770.395.1655
e-mail: atlanta@honorary.mzv.cz
or geonovak@mindspring.com
Jurisdiction: Iowa
See jurisdiction Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa
Jurisdiction: Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
VALASEK, Sharon K.
105 West 113th Street
Kansas City, MO 64114
tel.: 816.942.2794
fax: 816.942.0214
e-mail: kansascity@honorary.mzv.cz
or svalasek@kc.rr.com
Jurisdiction: Louisiana
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
ZEZULKA, Kenneth H.
Honorary Consul
3800 Florida Ave., Suite 202
Kenner, LA 70065
tel.: 504.456.1336
fax: 504.455.1565
email: neworleans@honorary.mzv.cz
or KHZezulka@aol.com
Jurisdiction: Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
28 Howe Street
Wellesley, MA 02482
tel.: 617.358.1776
fax: 617.353.5084
e-mail: boston@honorary.mzv.cz
or lukes@bu.edu
Jurisdiction: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
SOKOL Hall/C.S.P.S. Hall, 385 Michigan St., St. Paul, MN 55102
tel: 952.758.5747
fax: 952.758.5748
E-mail: vanasek@bevcomm.net
Jurisdiction: Missouri
See jurisdiction Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
Jurisdiction: North Dakota
See jurisdiction Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa
Jurisdiction: Nebraska
See jurisdiction Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
Jurisdiction: New York State
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
The Museum of European Art
10545 Main Street
Clarence, NY 14031
tel: 716.759.6078
fax: 716.759.1983
e-mail: zavrel@meaus.com
web: www.meaus.com
Jurisdiction: Oregon, Washington
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
320 A. Ave Suite 5
Lake Oswego, OR 970 34
tel.: 503.293.9545
fax: 503.657.1020
e-mail: cz_consul_pdx@msn.com
Jurisdiction: Puerto Rico
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
GORDON (Conde), Judith A.
60 San Francisco Str.
Old San Juan, PR 00901
tel.: 787.722.2467
fax: 787.723.5787
Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania, Delaware
Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
921 Bethlehem Pike
Suite 102, P.O. Box 777
Spring House, PA 19477
tel.: 215.646.7777
fax: 215.646.7770
e-mail: cz.consul.phl@juno.com
or philadephia@honorary.mzv.cz
web: www.mzv.cz/philadelphia
Jurisdiction: West Pennsylvania, Ohio
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue, 11the Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
tel.: 412.855.6581
fax: 412.392.1040
e-mail: pittsburgh@honorary.mzv.cz
Jurisdiction: South Dakota
See jurisdiction Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa
Jurisdiction: Texas
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
SNOKHOUS, Raymond J.
P.O.Box 8
11748 Heritage Parkway
West. TX 76691
tel: 254.826.3004, 254.826.7727
fax: 254.826.7727
e-mail: czechconsul.tx@earthlink.net or houston@honorary.mzv.cz
Jurisdiction: Washington
See jurisdiction Oregon, Washington