1. 9/11 Mysteries
2. 9/11 Ripple Effect
911 Ripple Effect - Now Available on DVD
3. America: Freedom to Fascism
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
4. TerrorStorm
TerrorStorm (Alex Jones)
5. Loss of Liberty
The Loss Of Liberty (USS Liberty Cover-Up)
6. Hacking Democracy
7. The Monopoly Men
The Monopoly Men
8. Immigration Gumballs
Immigration Gumballs
9. Fiat Empire: A Closer Look At The Federal Reserve Duration 88 minutes.
Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution
FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution
10. Money, Banking & the Federal Reserve: The Truth About The Federal Reserve System Duration 42 minutes
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
11. Loose Change: Final Cut
Loose Change Final Cut
12. Painful Deceptions
Painful Deceptions
13. Iraq for Sale
Iraq For Sale
14. Beyond Treason
Beyond Treason (FULL LENGTH) (1 of 2)
Beyond Treason - FULL LENGH (2 of 2) - Channel: NewMindZ on LiveVideo.com
15. 9/11 Rise Of The Police State
Alex Jones Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State
16. Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
17. The Money Masters:
The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
18. Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict
19. Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians
Part 1 Ted Pike - Hate Laws (1 of 2)
Part 2 Ted Pike - Hate Laws (2 of 2)
20. Why The Mid-East Bleeds
Ted Pike - Why The Mid-East Bleeds
21. The Other Israel
Ted Pike - The Other Israel
22. Kosher Food Tax Scam
YouTube - Jewish Kosher Certification Food Tax
23. Dresden (banned from Google Video)
LiveLeak.com - Dresden - A Real Holocaust
24. Endgame: Blue Print for Global Enslavement
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
25. David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper
Part 1 David Cole - The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz 1 of 2
Part 2 David Cole - The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz 2 of 2
26. Mr. Death: The Rise of Fred A. Leuchter Duration 1 hr. 31 minutes and this incredibly revealing Fred Leuchter AUDIO BROADCAST which is 30 minutes long
Mr Death The Rise and Fall of Fred A Leuchter Jr.
27. The Fred Leuchter Report Duration 55 minutes (6 Parts in a continuous stream) (More videos here)
YouTube - gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter
28. David Irving: "In Search For Truth In History" Duration 85 original minutes before censoring.
This is a great summary of David Irving's life's struggle. Filmed in 1993. Part 1 of 9 (banned) (possibly available here)
David Irving - In Search For Truth In History [Xvid/Mp3] 1993 (download torrent) - TPB
29. The Great Holocaust Trial Duration 63 minutes
The Great Holocaust Trial
30. Setting The Record Straight: The Saga Of Ernst Zundel Duration 12 minutes
Setting the Record Straight: The Saga of Ernst Zundel
31. One Third Of The Holocaust Duration 4 hr 15 minutes
32. Judea Declares War On Germany
Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at the Holocaust and WWII
33. The Secret Rulers Of The World: The Legend Of Ruby Ridge
OpposingDigits Vlog The Legend of Ruby Ridge
Ruby Ridge Documentary
34. HAARP: Holes In Heaven Narrated by Martin Sheen: Duration 51 minutes
HAARP - Holes In Heaven
35. If American’s Knew (Preview) Duration 15 minutes
If Americans Knew: Captured Prisoners
36. Conspiracy Of Silence Duration 56 minutes
Conspiracy of Silence - US Politicians Pedophile Ring
37. Deir Yassin Remembered Duration 33 minutes
Deir Yassin Remembered
38. Death And Taxes A video about the life of Gordon Kahl. Duration 1 hr. 54 minutes.
Pulled From Google Video!!! Someone please upload it once again, then encourage everyone to burn and copy it.
Part 1 Death and Taxes 1 of 2
Part 2 Death and Taxes 2 of 2
39. “America: Wake UP or Waco” Duration 1 hr. 46 minutes
Wake Up or Waco!
40. Kay Griggs Talks Part 1 Duration 3 hrs 43 minutes
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 1 of 2)
Part 2 Duration 3 hrs 33 minutes
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 2 of 2)
41. The Illegal Immigration Invasion Duration 1 hr. 41 minutes
The Illegal Immigration Invasion..
42. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Exposed! (banned)
43. Africa Addio (Farewell Africa) Duration 2 hr & 18 minutes - With English Subtitles
Africa Addio
44. The Eternal Full duration 65 minutes
WNTube The Eternal Jew
(More on Kosher Slaughter) Kosher Butchering (Schaechten)
45. The Power Of Nightmares: Part 3
The Power of Nightmares Part 3: The Shadows in the Cave - by Adam Curtis
46. An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G. Edward Griffin
An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G. Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International
47. Not so cool facts about Israel
LiveLeak.com - Not so cool facts about Israel
48. North American Union & VChip Truth
49. Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices Exposed
Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices Exposed
50. Ritual Murders Exposed On Oprah. Vicki Polin as “Rachel” on Oprah, May 1st, 1989
(banned from YouTube, but now re-uploaded!)
Here and Here. Duration 4 mins 20 sec., More info Here. "Lilith's Cave"
51. What World Famous Men Said About Them
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
52. 911 & Protocols of ZION in 10 minutes republished by Henry Ford
YouTube - 911 and The Protocols of ZION in 10 min
WNTube 911 and The Protocols of ZION in 10 min
53. Money As Debt
54. Lawyers Teach American Companies How to Run Fake Job Ads to defraud the American worker and empower foreign Mexicans with Employment! Can you see the big picture yet? They are Genociding us out of existence as they don’t give a crap about the American People who created this great country. Expose them and fight back, while there is still time!
YouTube - PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards fo
55. The Ultra Cool Tesla Roadster all Electric Sports Car which the Zionists are suppressing!
YouTube - Tesla Electric Supercar
56. Debate: Peter March Vs. Jared Taylor on Racial Diversity being a Strength or a Weakness?
Peter March and Jared Taylor Racial Diversity Debate
57. CMN's Regina Meredith interviews Aaron Russo
AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.
58. Historic Interview with Aaron Russo on the Agenda of the Global Elite
Historic Interview with Aaron Russo on the Agenda of the Global Elite
59. Zionist John Hagee promoting the Terrorist State Of Israel at AIPAC This is the root cause that is destroying Christianity. The Christian Church has been hi-jacked by Judaism which hates Christianity!!! (Just look at what they preach in their holy book called “The Talmud”.) Christianity has now been taken over by its enemies and turned into something which it originally opposed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exdsB5D1r7Y (removed)
60. Farm Murders of South Africa
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeBMBDGFFoE
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxBQQ...eature=related
61. "MS-13": The World's Most Dangerous Hispanic Street Gang
Worlds Most Dangerous Gang
62. Historian Eustace Mullins presents: The Zionist World Order
Eustace Mullins presents: The World Order
63. "Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED" by Alex Jones, Duration 2 hr. 4 minutes
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED
64. "Did We Really Land On The Moon?" Runtime 51 minutes
Did we really land Men on the Moon?
65. "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon? By Fox TV" Runtime 44 minutes
66. Why do some people dislike them
Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do Some People Dislike Jews
67. Mexican military invading the United States Countless Times
LiveLeak.com - Mexican Army Crossing Border, Again! YouTube?
68. The Dark Side Of The Anti-Defamation League
The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith_Full_Version.AVI
69. People And The Land
People and The Land: The Story of a People Under Occupation
70. Zeitgeist: The Movie Remastered
Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition
(I didn’t like the first part where he knocks Christianity, but the rest was pretty good.)
71. Numerous video clips & essays on the "North American Union" Canada, America, and Mexico becoming one Nation!

Netctr.com - The Coming North American Union
72. Audio Broadcast: “East Wind, Rain: Treason At Pearl Harbor” Duration 30 minutes
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
LiveLeak.com - East wind, rain: Treason At Pearl Harbor
East wind, rain: Treason At Pearl Harbor
73. “Rothschilds Timeline” The history of the Rothschild Talmudic Family. Parts 1-18 (Pt. 1: No Sound, the rest has sound. Duration approx. 3 hours)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
74. The sinking of the Lusitania on May 7th, 1915 (1201 lives lost) Parts 1-11
"Lusitania: Murder On The Atlantic" (BBC produced. Someone please upload to Google Video)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
75. The sinking of the W.G. 9000 lives lost on January 30th, 1945 (Audio created on 02-14-98)