ACORN the socialist organization bent on destroying the producers in our society have now and forever been tied to Barack Hussein Obama. What is wrong with Hussein Obama saying that he would let "ACORN shape is policy"? How about this?
"A community-based organization's voter drive that has registered some 1.3 million voters is drawing allegations of fraud, observers say. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as ACORN, aims to register to vote lower income blacks and Latinos, ABC News reported Wednesday. The group, based in Las Vegas, has been accused by Nevada officials of using fake and duplicate names, including the names of Dallas Cowboy players, in a fraudulent voter registration. Investigators have alleged that ACORN hired 59 inmates on work release as canvassers. One inmate who had worked as a "team leader" told investigators that "some of the canvassers hired by ACORN were "lazy crackheads."